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"Geez kid. When are you going to stop blowing your chances?"

For the past few days, Jane has walked in and out of this bloody building and I still haven't asked her out on a date. I've got to stop being nervous and just do it. Man up.

I sighed and looked down at my fingers, playing with them. I tend to do that when I'm nervous. "I didn't do it on purpose, Timo? I just-"

"Got lost in her beauty?" he said sarcastically. I glared at him and he laughed. 

"It's not funny!" I wined like a little kid. 

Timothy slapped his knee and continued laughing. I was almost positive that my cheeks were burning a bright red. 

"I'm sorry," he said trying to make a straight face, but failing miserably. He could not seem to wipe that smirk off of his face. "Look son. You gotta stop wasting time. Life's too short to be messing around and if you've got a chance, you've gotta take it."

"I don't have a chance though. She's beautiful and rich and she's got a hot boyfriend. I have nothing to offer her," I frowned. Timothy put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Listen to me. This is not the time to get all insecure on me. You're a wonderful boy. Better yet, a wonderful and charming man. You'd be be able to offer much more than her shallow boyfriend ever could. Now suck it up, and march upstairs right now and ask her on a date."

"And if she says no?" I asked. 

"You try again. Don't give up until you're ready. Women love diligence."

"And how could you be so sure?"

"Because my wife did."

I looked down at his left hand and noticed a silver band on it. Why hadn't I noticed that he had that on earlier?

"You mean does?"

He smiled weakly and pat my back. "Did. Now go. I'll watch the door for you." He shoved me and pointed to the elevators. 

"I don't know her apartment number!" I said while walking backwards to the elevators. 

"She's in the penthouse!"

Why wasn't I aware of that? Timothy could've told me that a long time ago. I still thanked him and pressed the button. The one all the way on the left opened up and I ran to it, telling Kurt to take me to the penthouse. He looked at me like I was stupid. 

"You can't just show up in her apartment. I'm positive that's not allowed."

"Just take me, Kurt."

He shrugged and pressed the button. I breathed in and out while running my fingers through my hair nervously. Before I knew it, the elevator dinged and opened directly into her penthouse. I looked around in awe and took in my surroundings. The ceiling was so high.

I heard soft music coming from the right and I was way too scared to investigate. I didn't have to, however, because Jane walked out of the room on the right wearing black yoga pants and a tank top with her hair in a high ponytail. I opened my mouth but no words came out and she finally looked up from her phone, jumping and dropping it.

"Oh my god," she said, bending down to pick up her phone. "Sebastian you scared the crap out of me."

"I-I'm sorry," I said stuttering. 

"It's okay. What are you doing here?" she asked. 

I scratched the back of my head and glanced at the ground before meeting her eyes again. She was waiting for me to speak with a confused expression. I sighed. "I wanted to ask you something," I said quietly. 

"And that something would be?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe, possibly, go on a wee little date, with me?" I said sounding unsure throughout the entire sentence. She lifted an eyebrow at me.

"A date?" she questions.

"Yeah. I mean, we can just call it a get together? Just between you and me?" 

Jane laughed and I felt my nerves ease up just a little. "A date," she repeated. "Sebastian, I have a boyfriend."

"I know. But I wanted an oportunity to get to know you better. Personally, you seem like a very sweet woman and I want to know who you are."

I think we were both surprised by my words. But the corner of her lips curved up into a smile and I was almost positive that I knew I had her with my words this time. 

"Well what did you have in mind?"

I never really thought of an exact place to take her on a date to, mostly because she's got way more money than me and there's no point of me taking her out to a low level place. She's all about high level things and I can't give her that. Maybe I could just take her on a walk?

"Maybe we can go on a walk in Central Park?"

She thinks momentarily before nodding at me. "That sounds like fun. Do you want to meet there or go together?"

Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face. She said yes! She wants to go on a date with me!

"Can we go toether? Central Park is pretty huge."

She smiled back at me and nodded in agreement. "Deal. We can meet here at seven o'clock tomorrow? I don't have anything after that time."

I nodded frantically with that dorky smile still on my face. "I'll see you then?"

"Sure thing," she replied. 

I nodded again and backed up to head back over to the elevators, turning around and almost hitting a coloumn she had near the elevators. I blushed and pressed the button, getting in the elevator and pressing the lobby button. Once the doors closed, I did an awkward little dance out of pure joy. It all stopped when I realized what I had stepped into. I've never one on one been out with Jane. I won't know what to say to her. Or what to wear. Oh no, I've got anxiety already.

I walked out of the elevator and over to Timothy who was looking at me with a large smile. 

"So, how'd it go?"

"She said yes," I stated.

"That's great! So why aren't you bouncing off the walls?"

"I'm a nervous piece of shite; thats why."

Timothy shook his head. "You'll be fine."

"You think so?" I asked quietly. 

"I know so. Now get changed and go home. Your shift is over."

I looked at my watch and for sure, my shift is over. It ended twenty minutes ago. I went and changed my clothes, then started heading home, almost missing my stop on the train thinking about all of the different ways our date could go. 

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