Alternate ending

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"Hey Everest would you mind if I ask you to promise me something?" Jin said while walking towards the Yeti named 'Everest'. Everest looked at him with a curious face while getting up on his paws. Yi and Peng are sleeping under the tree Yi revived using the powers of her violin. Jin takes a deep breath and continues,"Look I understand why left there. And I am not angry or upset about it. But promise me if a situation like that ever comes, which I hope doesn't happens I want you to take care of Yi and Peng." Everest looked at him. Jin looked at his feet. Then he looked up to meet the yeti's gaze. His brown eyes looked into Everest's icy blue ones."If something dangerous happens and you have to choose between me and Yi and Peng, choose Yi and Peng. Promise me you will keep them safe. Please Everest." Jin pleaded while grabbing the big furry right arm of Everest. Everest looked at his arm and then looked back at Jin. "Please Everest." Jin pleaded again. Everest looked in his eyes for a moment and then nodded. Jin let go his arm and breathed a sigh of relief. He stepped back and said,"Thank you Everest."

(A few days later)

The expedition was going just fine. But the foursome never imagined to get stuck in a situation like this. They were in middle of the bridge connecting both sides of the canion. On the both sides of bridge were the private security of Burnish industries. The soldiers were advancing towards them. Tranculiser guns in there arms. Dr. Zara and Mr. Burnish on one side of the canion were watching all this. Jin was freaking out inside. He was scared. But not for himself. He was scared for his friends. He was afraid of what they would do to Everest,Peng and Yi. He knew Mr. Burnish won't do anything to them, but Dr. Zara isn't someone to be messed with. She would surely do something terrible to them. In past few days he has changed a lot. He would do anything to make sure his friends are safe. So he did only thing he could at that moment. When one soldier got enough close to him he quickly grabbed that soldier's gun and pulled it. He put his right foot infront of that soldier making him stumble and fall. That soldier let go of his gun during the fall which jin caught. He quickly took hold of it and aimed for the soldiers infront of him. He must not be a shooter but he had a good aim. In fact he even won a few shooting tournaments in his city. He shot the soldiers who went unconscious seconds after darts hit them. He then turned around and shot every soldier behind him. "Come on. Let's go." Jin yelled and ran forward. Yi, Peng and Everest nodded and followed him. Everest outmatched their speed and ran forward and rammed into the vehicles, making a way for them. Jin quickly picked up another gun from the bridge before following the Yeti along with his friends. After crossing the bridge and running into a snowy maze he checked the magazine and attached it back to the gun. "Never knew you could shoot. You have a good aim." Yi said while running beside him. Jin grinned at her and said,"Well I am not popular for only my looks." They ran for a few minutes in there before they reached a cliff side. They slowed down a bit and started walking. Then something entered Peng's nose and he was going to sneeze before Jin slammed his hand on Peng's mouth and muffled the sound of his sneeze. Peng looked at him with annoyance. Jin took notice of that look while cleaning his palm on his pants and said,"What? I don't think getting trapped in an avalanche would be something good." Yi and Peng looked up at the top of that cliff to see loose snow. Then they heard some noises from not far along with the voice of Dr. Zara. "Let's go we can't stop here" Jin said and led them forward. After moving a bit further he noticed a few giant rocks forming a cave like structure. Jin looked at it and said,"Everest,Yi and Peng you guys can hide here easily. Everest's furr and ice will cover you two perfectly." "But what are you going to do?" Yi asked with concern. "I am going to distract them and drive them away from you." Jin replied and looked at her with determination. "What! Are you out of your mind They would kill you if they see you" Yi nearly yelled. Peng hugged Jin's leg and said,"Please don't go." "Look they are coming for us. It's our only way to survive this." Jin tried to reason. Yi put her hands on both of his shoulders and said,"Jin you don't have to do this." Jin looked at Everest this time. "Everest remember your promise." Jin said to him. Everest looked at Jin with saddened eyes but nodded. "Wait what promis?" Yi managed to ask before she and Peng got pulled away by Everest. "Everest what are you doing? Let us go." Yi Said to Everest while punching his arm. Everest didn't even flinch. He made his way inside the cave like structure and settled there in a way that he, Yi and Peng could watch everything outside. He covered there mouths with his arms to muffle there voices. Jin looked at Yi's pleading eyes for one last time before he shot a few darts on top of the structure which caused some snow to fall effectively camaflaugging them. "There he is." The declaration of a loud femmenine voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked at his left to see Dr. Zara along with three men with guns. He moved just in time to avoid a few darts shot at him. He ran and his behind a boulder. He waited for afew seconds for the firing to stop. When it stopped he peaked behind the boulder and shot a few darts. The soldiers avoided them and hid behind some rocks. He still kept shooting and managed to hit one of the soldiers. But eventually he ran out of ammo. He checked the magazine one time before he dropped his gun. He took a few deep breaths and ran forward in attempt to direct them in a wrong direction. But then he heard a loud bang and he felt hot pain shooting through his left knee. Jin dropped on ground, biting his lip to keep his voice muffled. He looked down to see Dr. Zara's out stretched arm holding a hand gun(Glock 17). She walked over to him with her men. The soldiers lifted him with his arms. "You know even the doctors have some hidden tricks under there sleeves." Dr. Zara said while carssing her gun, then she looked at Jin with a frown and said,"When I first found you I thought about letting you live once. I am going to give you this offer once again. Tell me where that Yeti is and I will let you go." Jin spat on her face and said,"Do your worst I ain't betraying my friends." Dr. Zara calmly wiped away the spit from her face with a handkerchief. Then she said,"So you wanna play dirty. Ok. I can play dirty too." Then she slapped Jin hard with the back of her left hand. "Tell me where they are." Zara(A/N :- I am going to call Dr. Zara Zara from now on.) Hissed at him. "No." Jin's reply got him a punch in the gut. Behind the cover of snow and fur of Everest Yi tried to break away from the yeti's grip. She tried to do something, anything to help Jin but she could do nothing. Even her voice was muffled by Everest's arm. Then she saw Zara pushing Jin on the ground. Zara pointed her gun at Jin and said,"Last chance boy. Tell me where they are. And I will leave you." Jin looked at her painfully. His lip was cut and bleeding due to the slap Zara gave him. "Your snubbing won't work on me you pysicopath." Zara's eyes widened. "What did you called me?" She asked coldly. Jin looked at her with a glare and said,"Are you deaf? I called you a pysicopath." Then a with a loud bang a bullet shot by Zara emblemmed itself in Jin's body. Yi screamed in shock horror but Her voice was muffled by the furr on Everest's arm. Beside her Peng was paralyzed in horror. Zara smirked on the suffering figure of Jin. But then she heard a loud rumbling. Looking up she saw an avalanche coming. She screamed a warning to her men but they couldn't make it out. After the avalanche went away Everest brust out of the ice along with Yi and Peng.

(Play 'Breath no more' by Evanescence for better experience)

"JIN, JIN!" Yi yelled. Peng was also looking for him. Suddenly Yi spotted something. It was Jin's hand. Yi ran to the location and Peng followed him. They tried to dig Jin's body out. Everest helped them in it and in only 20 seconds he dig out Jin from the thick snow. "JIN! Oh my god." Yi gasped when Everest dig out Jin's body. Jin was as pale as ghost, blood flowing through a wound on his chest had staind his perfectly clean shirt. She knelt beside him and grasped the wound on Jin's chest with both of her hands in attempt to stop bleeding. "Jin look at me. You will be alright. Everything will be ok." Yi said to him. She was so close to breaking into tears. Peng was clutching into Everest's furr who was trying to comfort the little boy. Jin grabbed Yi's hands with his shakky left hand. "It's no use now *cough." Jin said. "Don't say this Jin please." Peng pleaded. "Hey Peng can I tell you something secret." Jin said with a soft smile. "Ye-yes" Peng said. "Among everyone you have always been my favourite cousin *cough *cough. You have no idea how much I envied your skills in sport.*cough you have always been a special one for me." Jin confessed. Peng was dumbfounded to know his popular and self-obsessed cousin admired him. "And Everest." Jin said while looking at the Yeti. Everest looked at the boy. Jin gave him a soft smile and said,"Thank you for keeping your promise." He looked at Yi and his grip tightened. "Yi I don't even know where to start *cough. I have so many unspoken words to say *cough *cough. I am sorry for leaving your side when you needed me the most. I am sorry to abandon your friendship. *Cough." Jin said while coughing up blood. Tears were streaming down Yi's face. She said,"I am sorry Jin. It's all my fault. If hadn't involved you into all this..." She broke down into sobs. Jin touched her cheek with his left hand. Yi looked at him to see his soft gentle smile. He said,"Hey don't cry. To be honest I enjoyed this adventure. Can I tell you a little secret?" Yi nodded. Her right arm grabbed his hend on her cheek. "Among all the girls I have met and dated *cough there was always only one person who made me feel special. " Jin looked into her eyes. "That person is you. I don't know how to say this, but I love you Yi ." Jin's hand slowly turned limp and slid from her hold. Then Yi did something unexpected. She leaned down and kissed him on his lips. After a few seconds she pulled away. "I love you to Jin." She said. Jin's smile widened and he said,"Thank you." He closed his eyes and his body fell limp. "No no no Jin wake up. You can't you just can't die after saying you love me. Wake up . Please Jin." Yi pleaded to the Lifeless body of Jin. "Wake up Jin. Who will pat me on my back and hugg me when I would be sad. Who will give me those looks to make me keep fighting through life. Wake up Jin please." Yi punched Jin's body. "It's no use." An elderly male voice spoke from behind them. They turned around to see mr. Burnish. Yi went into a defencive stance. "Stay away." She snarled. Mr. Burnish raised his arms in surrender. "Please I mean no harm. I just want you to take the Yeti back to his home." He quickly said. Yi dropped her stance and looked at him. "Your friend would have wanted t This." Mr. Burnish said again,"I will make sure he gets a proper burial." Yi looked at him and then at Peng and Everest and finally at Jin. She nodded.

(A few days later)

There adventure is successful. Everest is back home. Yi and Peng returned to normal life. Mr. Burnish arrenged a cover story for there mysterious disappearance and Jin's death. Everything is going better than before. Yi is now one of the most popular kids in school. She even got a better job in a cafe. Peng is the captain of junior basketball team of there school. But one thing which never changed is Yi's feelings for Jin. She now wore a band in her left hand which Jin once gave her on a friendship day. She would never forget her best friend, her savior, her love of life.

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