so that wasnt my writing.....i just hit the top bar

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I want to pray and spend those with love but I have nothing happy to bring to God to bad I don't have infinite dollars to burn on everyone but me haha like avails quote of all the money enemy attacked me got to get this off me money demons 2ould be weak to see anyone do it honestly haha I don't know maybe haha that would be an annoying task if it was your job to get rid of x amount in helpful kind ways everyday and haha I guess the only funny part would not be having to have anyof it at the end of the day you could feel  happy....but the things about that challenge is you have to do it by hand no aid getting rid of it  the stats on wishing happy birthday to 7billion people would take five years or so just to say that one sentence if your judging my sillymoverthought thought your not thinking of the scale I'm thinking of ......random number apps haha or the elemtary school tablet day event 5hat randomly hit were pretty weak thought as to

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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