Bamboozle-Man: Mime Time

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(We open in the apartment building of Bamboozle-Man. Detective Chuck, exhausted and desperate, is making his way to Bamboozle-Man and Lazy Jim's apartment)

Chuck: Sigh. Can't believe it's come to this. Things were so much easier when the only thing I had to deal with were clown mobsters.

(Chuck made it to the door of his friends and knocked on it)

Chuck: Hell? Guys, I need to ask for a favor.

BM: Coming! Put the chickens away, Lazy Jim. We don't need another one getting out and turning into a fire breathing poultry monster.

LJ: *grunts*

(Detective Chuck heard the crashing of pots, pans, and what sounded like helicopter and a Bop It before Bamboozle-Man opened the door)

BM: Heyo. What can we do ya for?

Chuck: What was that I heard about a giant mutant chicken being loose in the city?

BM: Nothing. Hopefully. Toxic waste can't make a flightless bird that dangerous, right?

Chuck: *confused look* Okay whatever, we'll deal with it later. I've got a problem and I need your help.

(Lazy Jim came rolling out of the bathroom with chicken feathers in his beanie)

LJ: *grunts in curiocity*

Chuck: Yeah you too. Come on.

BM: Woah, woah, woah. Hold you deductive horses, bucko. What do you need help with? Because last time we went to help you with something "urgent" we ended up spending half the day at the damn Museum.

Chuck: Museums are fun!

BM: Yeah, but only if the shit in there comes to life every night. Ooh, I know what I'm doing this weekend!

Chuck: Don't worry it isn't the wonders of natural history and science. It's something more serious.

BM: SIgh. Come in.

(The detective entered the room, accidentally stepping on a teddy bear)

BM: Aht! Be careful. These are gentle.

Chuck: Oh I'm so sorry. I-

(As Chuck picked it up, he noticed a faint ticking coming from it's insides)

Chuck: Is this teddy bear....ticking?

(Bamboozle-Man quickly snatches it away from him and tossed it into the kitchen)

BM: Not important. Now. What pray tell brings you to our humble abode?

Chuck: A new case. Well, technically it's an old case but it recently had a new development.

BM: What kind?

Chuck: The homicidal kind.

LJ: *grunts*

BM: Oh damn. That'll do it.

Chuck: The suspect is definitely a serial killer. But the connections between the victims are non-existent.

BM: Ah. Your classic nut case.

Chuck: But there's a catch. These kills are all....weirdly specific. Like one guy had random serial numbers curved into his stomach. And this other lady had random numbers carved on her too.

LJ: *grunts*

BM: We are not calling the killer the Calculator. Pretty sure DC already has one of those actually.

Chuck: I'm not done. There's something else werd about these murders.

BM: What is it?

Chuck: The weapons. Well the lack thereof, anyway.

Bamboozle-Man: Mime TimeWhere stories live. Discover now