A Very Larry Christmas

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It was Christmas again when the streets were covered with snow. And, everywhere Harry turned, things looked white and fluffy. Harry loved Christmas time. He thinks Christmas is magical, and he secretly believes in Santa Claus. Harry absolutely loves everything about Christmas like the colorful lights, great smelling trees, and the snowball fights! It made everything even more fun and amazing.

Most importantly, Harry felt loved and treasured for it was the time when everyone showed how much they cared. Friends and relatives gathered together and celebrated. And Harry knew that if you were lucky, your love would wait for you under the mistletoe.

Harry had all of the above in his life, apart from the ‘special’ someone. He wanted Santa to give him a gift with that ‘special one’ for Christmas, a ‘special someone to love’. Not that he was desperate. It was just that Harry wasn’t too good at holding long relationships. So, he couldn’t help but be jealous when he saw his friends with the loves of their lives!

Whenever he saw his best friend Niall and his boyfriend Liam together, Harry would squirm. He would feel sad. Especially when Liam would hug Niall close from behind and kiss his cheek. Even a stranger could tell that Liam was head over heels in love with Niall, and the other way around.

Harry missed a Liam in his life. A Liam who would do little things for him. A Liam who would write little love notes and put them in his jacket pocket, or kiss him mad. But Harry did have a Liam once, back in his high school. It was Louis Tomlinson. He remembered everything about him – his smile, laugh and the way he looked when he was upset or angry.

His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. When he looked at Harry, he would feel lost. They were great pals. They had never gone out, although everyone said they should. Everyone thought they were perfect for each other.

Yet, they never went out. Why? Harry wasn’t sure. But Louis had asked him out. He had kissed him too. Harry still remembered it. It was his birthday and he was alone at home. Louis had come to greet him. He had worn a black tux and everything. Harry was surprised because he hated formals. In his room, Louis had bent down on one knee and asked him –

“Harry, will you go out with me?”

He had been so surprised because Louis wanted to go out on a date with him! Then he had kissed him. But then reality had hit, and Harry wasn’t sure of his feelings anymore. He was afraid, afraid that he would crush his heart if he gave it to him.

He had pulled away from him. “I can’t,” he had whispered. A shocked Louis had simply turned away from him….. and left. Next day on, Louis stopped talking or acknowledging him. Harry and Liam had gone from being together to avoiding each other at all costs.

After school they lost touch. Mutual friends said his family had moved to another city. Today, Harry knew he’d be lying if he said he didn’t regret what he had done. He wished he could only turn back time!

Putting sad and depressing thoughts away, Harry decided to get ready for the party at his aunt’s place. Harry’s aunt Dee loved celebrating Christmas with friends and family. But when his aunt told him that Niall and Liam would be attending the party, Harry was surprised because it was him who always invited them. Aunt Dee never did.

Harry got ready and put on his new tux that Niall had helped him pick out. The tux looked amazing on him and Harry knew that he looked very fetching indeed. He put on his shiny shoes that his mum bought just for the occasion. The nice tux made Harry feel like a million. He let his curly hair stay natural and just ruffled it to give it some bounce. Maybe the party wouldn’t be so bad, he thought to himself.

When he was finally ready, a car horn honked. Niall and Liam were there to pick him up. Harry ran to the car. But Liam wasn’t there. It was just Niall.

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