C4~ Blunts and Ice Cream

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Ja'kerriyanna POV

So if you were confused when Jalen said clients, he was talking about ordinary people , or celebrities who go to me to get different drugs. Have u ever heard of Medical Marijuana? Well, most of my clients take the drugs for different reasons like stress, or pains. Not just for the hell of it. I give them all kinds of drugs.

But I didn't want Jalen to know about my crush because he wants me to get with a person non-thuggish or in the game. I'm not sure how he'll feel about Jace, but I'm not taking any chances. I wanted to be bold and make the first move. I really hope he likes me, but maybe he just wants to fuck like any other boy. Well if he does that I can shut that shit down real fucking quick.

" Jalen, why the fuck did you do that? " I said

" Because I needed to talk to you in private. Nathaniel told me about you and Jace. Originally I wanted u to go with a non- thuggish or "in the game" boy because I know how them motherfuckers a operate. But Jace is different, that's my main nigga. And I know he'll treat you right. And if he doesn't , that's a cap in his ass . "

Wow. That was some deep shit. But he said I can date Jace! Even if he would've said no I know I would've done it anyways, but his approval is what really made me like Jace even more.

" Wow thanks bro!! Love u big brother! " The door opened.

" Love you too, now get back, the clients might be here "

" Okay, buh bye"

" Bye " So I walked out and I seen my first client come through.

" Prince, let's go "

" Aight " So we went in the office. My first client was named Claire Rosa Bell. She had post dramatic stress disorder. She wanted something strong, so we gave her a little of this and that. She payed us 1,000 dollars.

" Thank you Dr. Fernandes! " she said to me.

" Anytime Ms.Rosa, that should last you a month. If you need anything, or have any questions, feel free to call "

" Alright , bye Dr. Fernandes and Mr. Perez "

" Goodbye " we said. So we took in some more clients and then we were done. I'm hungry .

So we got back to the lounge where I saw Jace in deep thought, looking hella cute.

Jace's POV

So after they went in, a few minutes later Nate opened the door and Jalen told Kerri " I love u too" dafuqq! Man I knew it I'm just gonna fall all the way back. They were saying something else , but I wasn't listening.

A couple hours later after hitting a few blunts and eating some food, I found myself back in the lounge. I was thinking about Ja'kerriyanna . So Jalen is going with the maid. Wow that explains why she wears expensive shit and stays fly. I was still thinking when I heard Kerri's beautiful voice.

" So, have you thought about it yet? " Hmm. I got mad all over again . Why the fuck would she play with my feelings like that ! Fucking thot!

" Yes. I have. My answer is hell fucking no you thot! How in the hell you go flirt with me, ask me out, and then fuck with my main nigga! You mother fucking wishy washy hoe! " I was fucking steaming . She was in shock, and on the verge of tears. Prince looked like he was about to kill me. I continued.

" I liked you! I really fucking liked you! It seemed like you liked me too. But a smart hoe would have covered up her tracks. All that fucking flirting with Jalen and shit. But I told myself, never let a bitch get in between us. I've been through a lot of shit with females! You just don't know how many got damn times they've fucked me over. But I'll stop this one before I fall. Goodbye "

I didn't look back. I had to leave quick. I drove quick as fuck back to my house. I took a shower, changed clothes and headed back out. I was going to a party to get head, and smoke blunts. Fuck bitches, get money then get head from hoes....

Ja'kerriyanna's heart broken POV

I hope this is a dream, let me rephrase that. I had hoped this was a dream, but I knew it wasn't . I feel like my heart just broke and fell.

Jacob drove home without a word. He was shocked and fuming. He was ready to box Jace ass, but I stopped him.

When we got home, I went straight upstairs and lied down . Then I cried . And cried . And cried. And cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up, there was a knock on my door.

" Come in " I croaked.

It was Jacob. He had all my favorite Blue Bell Ice Creams, the one and only Ben & Jerry's I liked, and some more of my favorite stuff. I knew what time it was.

" I'll happily turn straight for you babe! " He hugged me tightly. We just sat there and cuddled for a few minutes. Then we ripped open our ice creams. He spoke.

" Before we sit here and jump to conclusions, I think I know why he jumped to conclusions. While you took your nap, I got the ice cream and thought about why he would say that. I think I figured it out. "

Well that's a relief , because I had no clue. Jacob is so smart, and he knows me well. He continued while we ate our ice creams.

" He might have said that because of the mixed mass confusion from everybody. When the squad was at our house that first time he was over, you got introduced as a maid. That confusion was not cleared. And you were not introduced as Jalen and Nathaniel's sister. "

Ohh, He's right. Hmm.

" Second reason. All day at the office, if you didn't know that ya'll were brothers and sisters, it would have seemed like ya'll were flirting with each other. Ooo! And when you and Jalen were talking, Nate opened the door , the first thing we caught him saying was " I love you too" . So all that confusion, probably caused him to explode. Especially when he mixes his feelings for you in, and he said he has had the worst experiences with girls fucking him over . Think about it. "

And with that , he continued to eat his ice cream. When I thought about it, my best friend was absolutely right . He really is smart. I love him so much! And with that , I have to return the favor .

" I love you so much Jacob. You're so smart, and absolutely right. I'm gonna try even harder to get you and my brother together. And before you say, " I don't think he likes me ", stop. I know he does, he's just afraid. He'll realize one day he has to man up and take you before somebody else does. I know these things. Alright? "

" Okay. Love you Bestfraan ! "

" Love you too Bestfraan ! "

And with that , we watched movies and ate junk till we fell asleep. That's my baby! "


~ Author's Notes ~

Haaay . I hope if you had any confusion, that might've cleared it up. Thank you for reading! It gets better for their relationship from here I think. Vote, comment! Follow me, love me ‼️ 😆😋

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