Healthcare, bitches....

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me: ~answers~.............

person: ..........................

me: ...............................


me: .......hello..........?

person: ~blah blah, health insurance, blah blah blah, Miss Dee Leone blah di blah bla BLah

me: ~bored~

person: ~still blabbing~

me: ~in accent~ Ex-excuse me.....?

person: ~finally shuts up~

me: ~still in accent~ I'm sorry, how did you get this number?

person: Oh, i'm calling for Miss Dee Leone ~goes off to talk more~

me: ~in accent, thinking, this lady is really dumb~ Um, i'm sorry, but this is not Dee



person: .................Are you in relation to Miss Leone?

me: ~facepalms~ .............No

person: Oh, i'm sorry

me: ~thinking we're finally getting somewhere~

person: ............So, for our healthcare options, we offer family plans as well as individual plans

me: ~slack-jawed~

person: Which of these might you be inte-


(was this lady for real?)

~accepting ideas and would love to mention y'all

~thank you for coming. hope to see ya next time!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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