Home Life

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The last bell would ring as Jake gathered his stuff from his locker. It was time to go home and get ready. He managed to run all the way home without stopping, even across roads with moving cars. Jake finally arrived at his house. He unlocked the door to see his mother standing in the kitchen on the phone. He overheard a few things. Jake couldn't make out what they were saying completely, but heard a few thing such as, Bullying, Talking Down, Music, and the last and worst thing of all, Suspension. Jake had gotten suspended from school all because of this person that decided to hack his account.

Jakes mother argued with the people on the phone, she didn't believe that her son would do such thing. She KNEW that he would never do those things to people, especially to the Music Club. She slammed the phone back into the wall. She looked over and saw Jake standing there. "Sorry Sweat Heart, they suspended you from school for a week. Anyways, what Happened?" Her voice would be gentle and motherly, not what you would expect from somebody who's son just got suspended for bullying.

Jake would explain to her how somebody must have hacked onto his Instagram and wrote horrible things about the Music Club. Although, he didn't tell her what Zander said to him, he didn't want her to worry even more. She would have a look of shock on her face. "Don't worry Darling, we will solve this." His Mother said to reassure him.

Jake would remember about the sleepover. "Oh, By the way, my one friend drew invited me and my friends over to his house tonight for a sleepover. Can I go?" Jake asked excitedly. His mother would sit there and think for a bit before allowing him to go.

"On one condition though, you need to be back home by Friday night." Jake's mother told him. He knew that he wasn't going to stay away for THAT long, it's only Monday. But Jake's Mom always liked to give him a lot of time to come home so that he could enjoy himself.

Jake ran upstairs and go packed. He packed a few outfits, just in case if his friends ruined the others. He waited a few hours before it was time to go over to Drew's Place.

Finally, it was time to leave.

Boyfriend or Friend? The Music Freaks Jake x Drew Warning : LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now