¹.¹king's cross

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━━ "'THENA, LOVE, HURRY UP! THE TRAIN'S ABOUT TO LEAVE SOON!" SIRIUS' VOICE REACHED THE GIRL'S EARS. It was the first of September, and she was leaving for their first year of Hogwarts. Both her and Harry. Athena was born on the 29th of March, the same year as Harry. This made her only a few months older than the boy, and she took pride on that.

"Harry and James are already at the platform. Tony, Steve and Nat agreed to see you before you leave." Sirius continued, informing the girl.

Even though they saw each other the other day, she was still excited to see Tony, Nat and Steve. I mean, she was going off to school! A magical school at that! Of course she'd want her uncles and aunts, who'd been raising her since nappies, to be there. Sadly, the others couldn't come with, as they were busy.

Throughout the years, Athena had been going to the Avengers Tower at least four to five days a week. At first it was because she missed the others, but as time flew, it was because she needed to train and because she was getting tutored by Bruce.

During the last six years, every single one of them had slowly become a family. The Avengers being the aunts and uncles, Her dad as her dad, Harry being her little brother and James as her other dad. She had also met Remus, another one of her father's best mates, and she immediately found him as another dad, I mean, he is her godfather, after all.

She would go to Tower to continue her learning, but at the age of 7, she started learning combat and how to defend herself. Sirius and the others didn't approve at first, but Athena's puppy eyes easily changed their minds. And so they did. Seeing as she was a fast learner, she was able to learn a lot of skills easily and properly. But since she was still young, she wasn't allowed to learn the more dangerous ones.

Clint taught her how to use the bow and arrow, and sometimes, Tony would let her use the Iron Man suit. Well actually, Tony would say 'no', but Athena was never one to listen so she snuck in his workshop and wore the suit. At first it was a struggle, but after a few sneak-ins, she was able to easily get the hang of it. Of course, she never told Tony. She also told JARVIS not to tell him.

Sometimes she would bring Harry along when she comes to the Tower. Just last year, Athena asked Harry if he wanted to train with her. He said yes, but after a few training sessions, he stopped. He said he preferred doing quidditch instead. They would also play quidditch in their backyard. James and Sirius would join along playing with them. But Athena knew that the reason Harry stopped training with her because he would get tired

She rushed down the stairs with a bewitched hairbrush brushing her hair. "Okay dad! I'm ready!" She said excitedly.

"Alrighty then, let's go!!" Sirius held her hand out for her, as the other grabbed her luggage.


Sirius and Athena apparated near King's Cross Station (hidden from muggles) and they walked there. They came across a fancy looking muggle car and they knew exactly who it was. Three people exited out of the car, Athena running up to them and engulfing them in a hug.

"You ready kid?" Tony asked the eleven-year old, a hand on her back. She nodded her head 'yes' and they all walked inside the crowded station. As they came upon platform nine and ten, they saw James and Harry.

"Athena!!" Harry had yelled, running over to hug Athena. Like the girl, Harry had found Athena like family. They basically brother and sister, as they have been best friends since child youth.

"Alright, are you both ready?" James asked the two children. Both kids nodded their head excitedly. "All you have to do is run up, straight into the wall."

They both nodded and Athena got ready to run first, but Tony spoke up. "Woah, woah, woah, wouldn't they hit their head? That's bad, they could get injured--"

"No, they'll be fine. You're forgetting that they're going to a magical school." Sirius wiggled his fingers. Tony rolled his eyes. Sirius always teased him about magic ever since they first met. Tony wasn't ever jealous of Maddie being able to use magic because he had his own thing, but would still find it annoying when Sirius would tease him on it.

Athena took a deep breath and got ready to run. "Want me to run in with you?" Sirius asked his daughter. Athena nodded her head and Sirius stood next to her and her cart. She looked towards the three Avengers.

"Are you guys coming in?" The brown-haired girl asked the three superheroes. Natasha looked fine going in but Steve and Tony were unsure.

"Are we allowed? To come in?" Tony asked. Sirius and James just chuckled at their nervousness. Both James and Sirius said 'yes', along with explaining that It wouldn't hurt them. They sighed with relief and nodded their head. James had explained how to get in to them, but Athena was too nervous to hear.

"Okay love, on three... 1... 2... 3!"

The father and daughter ran in, with the three superheroes following behind and James and Harry after.


The first thing Athena saw when she opened her eyes was people. Even though there were 10 minutes left until the train leaves, it was packed. Parents, children, families and students had filled the entire platform.

Athena looked over to her father, tears threatening to pour out of her eyes, and hugged him tightly. "Oh, I'm gonna miss you." Sirius told his daughter, droplets strolling down his cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you too dad." She gave peck on the cheek and released herself from him. She walked over to the three avengers and hugged them as well.

"Take care kid. If you ever need anything you know where to go." Tony gave the child a smile to which she returned with one of her own. She nodded sadly and held to her trunk.

"I do, you ready Harold?" The girl asked her brother.

"Yes, and for the last time its Harry!" Harry exclaimed as he released himself from hugging his godfather.

Athena walked over to him and ruffled his messy hair, making it even messier. "I know, only joking. Now come on let's go before all the compartments are full! Bye dad! Bye guys! See you for Christmas!" She yelled out over her shoulder. "Hurry up you slow poke." She pulled on Harry's hand.


━edited -siriuslycv 2022©

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