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((Welcome to the first chapter! If you're wondering what the other POVs are. Here is a list!
Me: Corpse's POV
sNow_M4n : Rae's POV [out now!]
(Coming sooner or later ⬇️)
Amines_bitch13 : Sykkuno's POV
Broken_Riot : Toast's POV

Thanks for being patient. Enjoy the chapter!!))

--------------- The First Day ----------------

Man... another 3 hrs of sleep-- And I'm supposed to meet up with my online friends Jack and Pewds at my new school. "Pft-- ha, who would have thought I would actually see thoes guys..." I sat up in my bed all fucked up due to the lack of sleep. I take out my phone from my hoodie pocket, "6:35..?" I mumble to myself before I lazily get out of bed. It's hard to wake up--fucking school ruining my mental health. I do whatever normal students do--
I get dressed in my black torn jeans, black hoodie, fix my hair, put on my favorite rings and bracelets, and my black shoes. Yeah I like black, it's a pretty cool fucking color. I make sure my hair was covering my eyes since I dont like showing my face around to strangers. I check my phone once again to see texts from J and P.

Pewbs: hey, u better not be sleeping in!

Spedicey: yeah! Im foking hyped to see ya man!
Spedicey: oh and make sure u bring ur parent slip bro!

Deadbro: yeah yeah thx mom

I chuckle as I then grab my backpack and my keys before I say "Morning and see ya later mom" She shouts me a love you with a smooch as I left through the door. I got onto my bike and made sure my face mask is on and I have my bike chain. "Alright here goes nothing..." I mumble to myself and ride off to school.

Once I got there, it seems like every other high school. I notice two guys outside the gates, thankfully no one else was around to see me. I hurry over and park my bike in with my chain and lock. I put up my hoodie before I sneakily head over and shout "BOO!" Pewds and Jack both scream and hug each other until they saw it was me. "CORPSE!" They shout and almost hug me to death. JC dont kill me on the first day guys. They gave me a tour of the school and I was given my schedule, which wasnt too bad. Until Pewds mentions "Hey remember when I told you I was gonna introduce you to some of my friends?" I nearly choked on my saliva "You what? No I dont remember..." Jack laughs and pats my back "Dont worry! They are pretty nice like us!" When I was gonna protest the first bell rang, "Welp we gotta go, See ya soon Corpse!" They wave me good bye and left in a hurry.
Great now I have to go--

Most of my class were pretty fucking boring to be honest. Until I was math, I was assigned to a high math class as I accidentally went to the wrong room. That's always embarrassing... I walk inside my actual classroom to see all the eyes on me, but I completely ignore them and hand the teacher my parent note onto why I need the mask and hoodie. They shrug and a sat in the middle row of students, I couldnt help but notice another student. Huh, brownish dark hair, friendly face, and nice complexion. Yup- that's settled is, the popular guy. I look away but I caught them looking over at me in curiosity during most of the class, it was mostly glances though. I'm so glad he cant really tell I was looking at him for a few moments.

More classes were pretty dull like the rest, then P.E hits you like a bull. I wasn't allowed to wear my hoodie, so I was stuck to wearing my face mask only. And get this-- we have to run about 5 laps for my first day, like what the fuck? At the end everyone was nearly exhausted but I notice the same guy trip but it wasn't anything major. It was getting pretty hard to breath so I didnt even notice I had pulled down my mask while my other hand reaches out towards him. "Hey.. are you alright?" He gave me a quick nod as his face was getting red. Must be from exhaustion. "I'm glad..." I help him up before I leave to put back my mask and to change.
The rest of the day was again--fucking boring.

Highschool AU! || (Corpse x Sykkuno) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now