Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8: Big Bad Wolf

"Ella..." I whispered, "What is with those big ears??"

Ella's eyes darted at me. They looked different. They weren't friendly, and looked menacing. I thought it was because she has been left all alone that it eventually started affecting her, mentally.

Ella whispered, in a hoarse voice, "Dearie... God must've known that I have turned feeble and old... And he has given me bigger ears to hear your beautiful voice..."

I noticed that, while she was speaking, the sheets of her blanket fell, and revealed big, monstrous arms. They were covered with gray hair.

"Ella... About those arms... I mean, they're huge! How... How-"

"So that I can hold you, caress you, and hug you, my dear... Young women, like you, need affection, too..." Ella smiled, revealing impossibly huge, sharp fangs and teeth arranged in two rows.

"E-Ella...!! Th-those teeth...! They shouldn't be there! What is with those big teeth?! Ah! Ah-"

Ella chuckled. Her voice turned deep and guttural. She ripped the sheets and her clothing.

That wasn't Ella, though.

"These teeth? I used them to eat that old hag! She was delicious, but a little expired... But she was a meal fit for a king! Me, of course! The Ella you know is now slowly digesting in my stomach! She is dead!"

I took several steps back from the monster. He towered over me. His breath smelled of a rotting corpse's flesh and his black coat reeked of dry blood. His red eyes started at me.

"But you know, I am still hungry..." He whispered, and stared at me.

He staggered towards me, showing his large fangs as he growled. He wanted to eat, and I was his next meal.

He walked over to me and dug his claws into my flesh. The pain was unbearable, and I started to lose a lot of blood. I screamed, as I spewed out blood, and cried for help. The beast aimed his jaws at my neck, then slowly closes them.

I choked on my own blood for the remaining seconds I have left. My eyes slowly close as I slip towards death.


I woke up. I woke up on the same area I had woken up on, the flower patch. I was relieved from my pain, for there were no wounds on me. It took me a while to figure out it was a dream.

Two silhouettes appeared near the patch, repeating those same words in my dream. Then they left.

"This way..." A voice whispered from the darkness. "Come this way... This way..."

I suddenly realized that the true horrors are waiting for me. Just like in my dream. My dream was predicting the future, if I chose carelessly. Now, I wonder if my other dreams were premonitions, as well.

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