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Katie's POV

It's  warm April day in Wonderberg. I was laying in my room reading about the solar system when I heard someone outside shout "Wizard Keen has gone missing!" That can't be good. I rush outside but before I can get to the door I feel myself get teleported somewhere. I look around confused. I'm surrounded by bedrock, except for behind be where there's a door way, i walk into the room and see a chest with a book inside. It reads:

Dear, young wonderer,

        I hop you realise how nice Im being by giving u hints on how to save your 'heros' . Im giving you a chance to prove that you can do some thing. good luck your going to need it



I ignore the grammar issues in the letter and continue into the next room. There's a wall of ice and a sign. Don't bother breaking it, this ice can't be broken my the human fist. Just to be sure I wasn't being lied to I tried to break it, not a dent. Ok Katie think, ice is a solid, we need it to be a liquid or a gas to pass through. Ice is frozen water so melting it will... I quickly grab a torch off the wall and put it near the ice, after a few minutes the ice melts and I can swim through. Next room I find a bucket in the chest along with some speed grow, which makes sense because in front of me, behind a wall of glass, is a sapling. I use some of the speed grow but nothing happens. Looks like I have some more work to do. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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