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here are some haikus i wrote about the different seasons and some emotions or feelings

Settle down, students;

We all wish to be outside

in the warm, bright rays.

this shows summer, it's kind of a last day of school until summer vacation vibe.

The sirens blaring

Signaling to stay inside:

Tornado warning.

this is more of a weather condition than a season, but it brings back memories of like grade school when it seemed there was a tornado warning every week. am i the only one who felt that way? oh, okay

Pumpkin, the flavor

of fall, all throughout the house.

Mom and her candles.

this one is for fall, i feel like a lot of girls are really into seasonal candles. a certain candle scent can take me back years.

Can't get out, snowed in

Sitting by the fireplace.

Hot cocoa in hand.

you know that special feeling when you wake up to your guardian telling you you don't have school because it's a snow day? yeah, that's the vibe i was trying to give off with this one. but it could be taken maybe ways! you can picture yourself on winter break, you were planning to go Christmas shopping but the snow stopped you and you realized you would've rather stayed in anyway. i'm sure most of you know and/or don't care buuuut: a single piece of writing is truly so cool, the writer can have an idea of what their piece means, and 100 readers can interpret it 100 different ways.

The breeze drifts the scent

of fresh roses, butterflies

flutter free again.

i felt this was an appropriate visual to go to for spring. the plants and invests are finally feeling the warm sun again, they're starting to sprout and come out, everything is happy again. living free.

Finally Friday.

Last period, but i'm stuck
Trapped in study hall

this may be confusing for some readers, i will do my best to explain. so, in my school, every other day we have a study hall. mine is always last period. i am more than happy we get to have study hall, i am lucky to have the time. but it makes fridays extra long when all you want to do is leave but you're stuck staring at a wall of you don't have homework to do. i guess i was going for the feeling of anticipation with this haiku.

Fireflies dancing

all throughout the vast horse fields,

Lighting up the world.

my goal with this one is a summer night. you walk outside in a rural town with minimal people. it's pitch black. all you can see is the silhouette of horses in the fields and fireflies lighting up like the stars.

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