The Stuffed Cat Caper

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Stuck between a rock and a hard place, that's for sure. I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation in the first place. I mean, it's not everyday you try and steal a stuffed cat from your best friend who turned out to be an evil genius! Well, let me start from when this all started. When I turned twelve, I became a spy. It's the official family buisness. Grandma and grampa were spies, my mom and dad are spies, my older sister and brother are spies. So, naturally, when I became of age, I went on my first mission. There was a series of hackings into the National Security Network, and the FBI found out that the hacker was at the nearby middle school. I went undercover and enrolled there, keeping a lookout for the spy. I became friends with a girl my age, and it turns out, she was the hacker. Our friendship was real, but if I take her in, she'l get arrested. If I don't, I've failed my mission and I've disappointed my parents. What do I do? Well, that's where my side hustle comes in. I'm currently sitting here, trying to get this stuffed cat away from my friend, because the cat is encoded with a computer chip that contains all the details for National Security and whatnot. If it gets into the wrong hands, it would be catastrophic. Yeah, I know I'm hilarious. So, what am I going to do? First, I grab the computer chip that's inside the cat (It's in the pocket, not literally inside the cat. I wouldn't be that cruel!) and I smash it, of course. It contains information that not even I am clearanced to see! After that's smashed, I have to make my decision: A. Turn my friend into the police and accomplish my mission, B. Fail my mission and disappoint the family, or C. Say this is all just one big misunderstanding and that I'm adopted. I mean my friend knows I'm a spy, now. If I let her go, there's all sorts of damage she could do to me and my family. So, I decide to turn my friend in. As the FBI agents come to pick her up and throw her in the back of the truck, she asks why I turned her in. I explained to her that she did something really wrong. But then my friend says her brother gave her the cat. Wait, that means I have the wrong person. My friend is innocent! But no one knows where her brother is. He disappeared a couple of years ago, gone without any trace or communication. He is a mystery to everyone. How will I possibly track him down? He's like a shadow in the night! I go down to the basement to check on my hostage, the one who should be the spy in my place, the real decendant of that family. I know who her brother is. It's me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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