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I was the first day of freshman year and I had never been scared too start school but this was High school. It's not like I'm starting a new school I know people and Derek will be with me so I don't why I'm so scared. After waking up I made it into my bathroom and proceeded to brush out my long raven colored hair, and brush my teeth.

As I finished with that I Walked to my closet too grab a pair of black jeans and a random tee shirt with my signature pair of doc martens. I really don't care about what I wear to school but I try to look presentable.

With putting on my last shoe I heard "Emily, Dereks here hurry up." I walk out of my room and down the stairs too be graced by the presence of my mom.

"Better not bring home any girls today" "Mom, just because I like women doesn't mean Im gonna bring one home everyday I'm only 15 years old.
"Whatever Emily, I won't be home tonight anyways" she said and knowing my mom and her job she wouldn't be home for at least a week or longer.

I grabbed a banana and made it outside with a chipper Derek too wake me up after we both said good morning we started walking to school. It wasn't
a long walk but it felt like forever.

"Are you ready?" Derek asked the brunette.

"As ready as I can be." And with that they walked into the school. They both walked into the office to get their schedules and started to compare.

"We have 3 and 7th together" Derek said.

"English and Geometry how lucky" the Brunette said.
After that the bell for first period rung.

"See you in english" Derek said as the brunette walked to pottery.

She made her way too an empty table and sat down waiting for the rest of the students to make there way into class. A very beautiful blonde caught her eye as she walked in she started to get a little nervous as she noticed she was walking too her table.

She introduced herself "Hi I'm Jennifer Jareau but my friends call me Jj. The blonde said.

"Hi I'm Emily Prentiss.

"Your name is beautiful" she said trying to flirt with her.

"Not as beautiful as you" Emily shot back.

The blonde quickly got flustered and her cheeks turned red.

"Welcome to pottery class" The teacher spoke up. "We're you are seated now are your permanent seats""Also the person you are sitting next too is your partner for our first assignment" "You will be making something out of clay for your partner, I don't care what just you have to have it done by Friday." He started to pass out mounds of clay then said "If you need more clay or less it will be up here, talk too your partner get to know them but don't tell them what you are making and get to work."

"Well he's kinda a jerk" Jj said

"Little bit" Emily said still a little bit shooken up by saying that to Jj earlier.
What's your favorite drink" Jj spoke up

"Coffee for sure it's like I kinda can't function without it. Emily said.

"What's your favorite holiday?" Emily asked.

"Anything besides Christmas so probably halloween" Jj said.

"Halloween is my favorite too but I love Christmas though." Emily said.

"I like the holiday just not the feeling I get you know" Jj said.

"I don't get but I am here" Emily squeezed Jj's hand in sympathy.

"Do you have a favorite animal?" Emily asked

"A black bird" Jj replied

"What about you" she shot back at Emily.

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