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Jj and Emily walked too the coffee shop it was a cat cafe but Jj didn't tell Emily that until she was walking into the door "Jj this is perfect oh my god I love kittys" Emily said walking up too the cats and starred to pet them. "What kid of coffee do you like?" Jj asked the brunette. "Iced vanilla coffee please" Emily said picking up the cat and finding a seat for the both of them. Jj made her way back too the table that Emily had picked out for the both of them. "Here ya go Em" Jj said handing Emily her coffee. "Thank you Jay" Emily said smiling. "I think the cat likes you Em" Jj said smiling as she saw the cat on Emily's lap. "I think it does too." Emily said. "Tell me about your day, even though we were together for half of it" Emily said laughing. "My day was really good too be honest I hung out with this really cute girl though so that made my day even better" Jj said smiling "Oh nooooo a cute girl tell me all about her" Emily said sarcastically. "Well she's got this really pretty hair and her name is Emily you might have seen her around school." Jj said laughing "She sounds very nice but let me tell you about the cute girl I hung out with today she's really nice and she smells amazing also her smile let me tell you it's beautiful" Emily said never breaking eye contact with the blonde. "She sounds great i've gotta meet her" Jj said obviously flustered but she's beyond happy in this moment. "You really do but I have a question for you Jay" Emily said still looking at the blonde. "Emily what's going on?" Jj asked getting scared. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just wanted to know if you wanted to have a sleepover with me tonight?" Emily asked shyly, and finally breaking the eye contact she tried so hard to keep. "It's okay I would absolutely love too but I still have to ask my mom but I think she will say yes let me call and ask her real quick" She got up and rubbed my shoulder before she left for the bathroom too call her mother.

Emily nerves were shooting up and she was getting really nervous what if Jj's mom said no and she couldn't hang out with Jj for even longer, that just made her sad so she started too pet the cat on her lap. Jj soon returned to the table. "She said yes!!" Jj said with the biggest smile on her face. "I'm so excited" Emily said. "Well we are almost done with our coffee do you wanna start walking home?" Emily asked accidentally saying home instead of "my house" and Jj didn't care. "Yeah that sounds good but are you gonna be able to leave your new found friend?" Jj asked Emily. "I'll miss them but we can always come back and see them again." Emily said offering too go own another coffee date with Jj. "Yes let's come back soon" Jj said. They walked too Emily's house.

They arrived at Emily's house. "What do you want to do?" Emily asked. "I don't know maybe we can watch a movie?" Jj asked. "That sounds perfect,what do you wanna watch?" Emily asked. "Anything works for me" Jj said smiling. "Alright the remote is on the table pick something out i'm gonna go get a blanket for us" Emily said as she walked too go get the blanket. Jj proceeded too turn on a movie called Maleficent and waited to start the movie until Emily came back. "Here you go" Emily said as she placed half the blanket on me and then sat down and placed the other half on herself.

They both sat there next to each other and enjoyed the movie till about half way through when Jj put her head onto Emily's shoulder and just stayed there till the movie finished. Emily was so happy but didn't let it show she wanted to act cool too impress Jj. Once the movie was over Emily asked Jj if she wanted too order some food. "What kind of food would you like Jj" Emily asked her. "Can we get pizza?" Jj asked smiling. "Yes I love pizza, what kind." Emily asked also smiling. "Pepperoni works for me" Jj said. "Alright let me go order" Emily said as she left the one spot she didn't wanna leave.

"Yes hello can I get a medium pepperoni pizza please?" is what Jj heard from the kitchen then Emily proceeded too hang up the phone, and start a new call. "Hey mom, when are you coming home?" I heard Emily ask. Her face started to get sad. I turned my head like I wasn't listening and proceeded to wait for her too come back too the couch. About three minutes later the brunette returned. "I ordered the pizza it should be here in around 15 minutes so we can finish this movie and then start another one, or do you wanna finish the movie and then do something else?" Emily asked. Kinda rambling after being on the phone with her mother. "What ever you want
to do works with me." Jj said smiling. "I don't know I really like movies we should finish this one and then eat pizza while we watch another movie but I get to pick this time, does that sound good?" Emily asked. "That sounds amazing let's do it" Jj said smiling and curling up into the blanket more which made Emily smile.

A few moments later the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Emily shot up out of her seat too the door. She handed the pizza man money and proceeded to close the door and make it too the kitchen too grab plates and drinks for her and Jj. "Hey Jj what do you want to drink?" Emily shouted from the kitchen "Any kind of juice please" Jj shouted back. Emily made her way back into the living room holding too cups and plates. "Here's your drink we only hand orange juice because it's my favorite." Emily said. "Ooo I love orange juice." Jj said excitedly. "I'll be back." Emily said walking into the kitchen too grab the pizza and made her way back into the kitchen. "I'm so excited, I love pizza" Jj said smiling. "Me too, but we should watch lilo and stitch." Emily said. "Sounds amazing" Jj said as Emily sat down next too her.

The both of them finished their food Jj finished first and sat her head in Emily's lap. Emily was freaking out but didn't let it show. The two stayed like that until the movie ended, but Emily didn't know that Jj had fell asleep on her. After calling her name a couple times softly the blonde finally woke up. "You fell asleep" Emily said. "Oh my i'm so sorry, for falling asleep on you." the blonde said. "Jay it's okay I don't mind, I liked it." Emily said blushing and trying to hide her red face. "I'm tired as you know so can we go to sleep?" Jj asked. "Of course follow me my room is just up the stairs."

The two made it too Emily's room. "Em your room is so cute, I love it." Jj said. "Okay so i'll take the floor and you can have the bed how does that sound?" Emily asked. "Your not gonna lay with me?" Jj said sounding upset. "Of course I will, I just didn't want over step or make you uncomfortable. Emily said. "Can I borrow some clothes" Jj asked hoping that Emily would give her, her hoodie. "Yeah just go in the closet and pick anything out i'm gonna go brush my teeth then just come into the bathroom and i'll get you a toothbrush. Emily said. "Okay" Jj said smiling.

Jj made her way into Emily's closet and picked out a baby blue hoodie and some black sweat pants and proceeded to change in the closet and put her clothes in her back pack then made her way into the bathroom with Emily. "You look really good in my clothes." Emily said Smiling. "Get used too it Prentiss." Jj said as she booped Emily's nose. "Here's your toothbrush." Emily said handing Jj a yellow tooth brush as she had a red one. She also handed her the tube toothpaste and the proceeded too brush their teeth. Once they were finished they made their way back to Emily's room and layed down. Emily on the Right side and Jj on the Left. They started off with their backs facing each other for a while, till Emily spoke up. "Jen are you awake." "Yeah, what's up" Jj asked softly. "Can we cuddle, I understand if not I just don't like sleeping with out holding on too something." Emily confessed. "Of course Em." and with that Jj slid into Emily's embrace and rested her head on her chest while Emily played with the blondes hair they both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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