Camping #2

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Toriel POV

The sun had go down on the west side of the world. We watch it in an awe,  and now, we are getting ready for dinner.

I walk to Asgore, "Gorey dear.., Could you please bring the food here from the car?" I asked him, he nodded, and run to the car.

"KING ASGORE!! LET ME HELP YOU!!" Papyrus following him to help bring the food.

Now, the rest of us are getting things ready for dinner. Sky and Frisk making the fire, the other helping bring the woods for us to sat on it.

5 minutes, they are finally done, now we only need to wait for Gorey for the Food.

Then, I saw him running to us with a worried face, and so is Papyrus. Once they got here, I asked what happen.

"What's up? Where are the foods?" I asked, he sweat, and I had a bad feelings..

"You didn't brought them?" I asked him carefully, he nodded, and I face palmed.

"So.., we forgot to brought the food?" Chara asked

"Yes.., I'm sorry child..", Just then, Sky stands up, and walk into the woods

"I'll be right back in 10 minutes" I was about to stop her, but she already teleported somewhere..

"Do not worry, mom.., our Father were once an Assassin, and she used to go with him to help at his Mission when we were younger.." I nodded, knowing that she'll be alright..









10 Minutes, I getting worried, because she isn't comeback yet.., no one knows what time it is either because no one our phone were out of batteries..

Just then, something is coming from the bushes, Undyne summon her spear, getting ready, the other just try to calm down.

And then, there is a familiar figure came from there, bringing a death deer.

"Sky? what are you doing with that deer?" I asked her, worried.

"I was going out for hunt this animal. kinda hard due their speed, but I still faster then them.., but still.., need 5 minutes to catch them.." Oh-

"But what if we broke the rules?" Gorey asked- I just remember that-

"This Camp were build inside the Patience SOUL Clan and all of us work as a Hunter, even Woman. So it doesn't break the rules here.., I was working part job as the Forest Ranger anyway.., so I knew the whole rules here.." Well- that's awesome to be honest.

"Hey bro, mind helping me with cooking them?"

"Sure, let's do it like the old times!"

And so- they cook the deer, after that, we ate them.

"Well- I gotta admit that this ain't bad" Kay commented

"Ikr", the other answered.

"What do you think, Frisk, Chara?" James asked them

"Determination people used to hunt instead of buying things- for saving money- we not as good as the Patience at it thought- but Deer is the easiest thing to catch round our place, so, we know how does it taste." He nodded in understand

After that, we playing around, hearing horror story and such thing like that..

Tonight, wasn't the best.., but sure I'll miss this in the far Future..

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