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Rebecca woke up to another lonely morning she was getting used to not sleeping Luke's arms anymore since they broke up she had found her very own house in LA and was in no mood to start another relationship to Luke she was supposed to be there all the time and it caused so many fights between them and that obviously became the down fall but becca suspected it was something more maybe he had fallen in love with someone else but on the other hand she was always gone for her shows more than Luke and maybe that's why regargless she had a show in a few days and had to get if she was going to make her two day flight it was the start of january and for some reason she was hating every bit of the month well personally,professionally her life was great the irony every time her personal life thrived her professional fail and vice versa she giggled a little at the thought before starting to get ready for her flight.
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................meanwhile in Iowa '' '' Sarah wait I love you Colby [or Seth] said with a rheart full of pain. ''I know you do but we just can't I mean look at us your gone all the time we have fought so much face it Colby our relationship was doomed any way I still and always will love you but we just can't anymore'' Stated Sarah as she grabbed her luggage and started to leave ''I think we should just take a break if we find other people so be it until 2 days after valentines day we will meet and see if we have found other people I love you I really do it's just maybe we are not the write match'' She said with tears in her eyes and left.

The memory replayed in his head over and over again Joe or Roman and Jon or Dean were trying really hard to snap him back to reallity before their friend finally came through 1 week ago that is exactly what had happened and he was emotionally broken and honestly he did not think he would ever find happiness and now he was the next flight to smackdown cause he just wanted to see some of his friends on the blue brand [A.K.A rebecca] but he would not admit it at least not to her.''Rollins! dude what the hell we have been trying to get to you you do understand that Sarah broke up with a week ago move on.'' Jon said with what seemed like worry in his tone. ''It's just finally I like a woman and she leaves me''He replied as he pressed his face into his hands his friends could see that he was badly hurt. ''See that's the problem.''Roman said the twomen looked confused ''What's the problem asked Dean and Roman just rolled his eyes ''Didn't you hear what he said you said you like her you don't love her and that is exactly why your relationship was doomed from the start'' He said and took another sip of his coffee.''And how exactly does that make it better''Pouted seth as he sank deeper into the chair he knew Rebecca always came to shows early and juat like that they arrived at the hotel seth had booked a room write next to Rebecca but it was taken so he took another one a little bit to the left he was secretly disappointed and the last thing he needed was to get tounted by his friends cause of the'feelings' he was developing for what he didn't know was that luck was on his side. They entered to check when they were greeted by Becky ''Hi'' ''AH! Becca you scared us'' said a frightened Seth. Rebecca giggled that laugh it was so intoxicating she was always cheery which made every one else cheery she was the ray of sunshine that everyone needed ,the silver lining on every cloud the beautiful flower in the dull world that lightens up the mood,the unique..... ''Hello earth to Rollins earth to Rollins '' Rebecca said snapping her fingers in front of him '' What's wrong did I say something if so I am so sorry I didn't mean to''He shook his head ''No you didn't I was just thinking of what nothing important I was just thinking of my break up with Sarah'' ''Oh!I didn't know you and Sarah were through why did you break up.'' Well it wasn't necessarily a break up we sort of took a break I think though that is just code for breaking up and well we are gonna see each other after valentines day and if we are single we will give it another try I guess''He said with sorrow. Becky knew Seth very well Him and Sarah could have been the perfect match but even she knew it was doomed. ''Say umm do you wanna maybe go to this new vegetarian restaurant with me?'' he asked kind of nervous Becky laughed '' Is that your of asking me on a date?'' She asked mockingly with a sly smile. '' No it's just friends hanging out friends can hang out right'' He said nervously. ''
''Relax I was just pulling your strings or maybe not.''She said . Seth just rolled his eyes . When he looked over to were she was all that was left were some stones that read yes they were clueless they didn't know this was the begging of a beautiful relationship.


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