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Dorothy POV.

It was around 5pm and it was already dark out, winter is my absolute favorite season of all. The only thing I dislike is how dark it gets when its only 4 in the afternoon. Walking home from work isn't and never will be my favorite thing in the world, I always get chills down my spine. I feel like someone is watching me, a presence near by.

But I look around and all I see is the swing in the playground slowly moving from the wind. I hold the strap of my shoulder bag tighter until my knuckles are numb. Speed walking and humming along to a peaceful tune, something to keep my mind off of any possibilities of murder.

Every time I'm walking I think of possibilities of something bad happening to me, its gone so far that I've gotten to the point of me thinking of getting stabbed to death. I have a very dark mind, but right now is not the best of times.

Looking back one more time before entering the lobby. Making my way to the mailbox, only to see two bills that came in. Before closing the mailbox I see a white sticky note attached to the side.

'watch what you do and when you do it because little eyes are watching you'

I re-read the note, thinking back about 5 minutes ago when I felt the gaze of another person. Creepy and weird. I crumple up the note, shaking my head. Its probably just the kids on the 5th floor that like to mess around with everyone.

Stupid kids.

"Hey Marcusz!" I greet the buildings security guard.

"Good Evening, Ms. Trix."

"I've been living here for about three years and I tell you this everyday. Please, call me Dorothy!" I exclaim, chuckling afterwords.

I hear him laugh lightly and say 'Sure thing, Ms. Tri- Dorothy'

I get into the elevator, pressing the button that reads 3. I get to my floor, rummaging through my messy clump I call a bag and take my keys out.

I walk in taking off my boots and set my bag down heading straight to the kitchen. Debating whether I should get an apple or Oreos. I go with the Oreos, of course. Turning on my tv and sitting on the warm comfy carpet, I hear a loud 'thump' sound.


I look up at the ceiling as my first instinct. Wondering what the hell is going on up there. Theres always something happening up there but I'm too much of a coward to confront the person. Flashbacks to the time I was in the elevator come to mind, the guy was in there as well. I could feel him stare at me but i would just look straight ahead.

Deciding to ignore whatever is happening up there, I turn back to my tv and skip through the channels. Settling to 'Criminal Minds', i guess this is what my night will consist of.

OKAY! So finally updated, I've been really busy and yeah. Me just trying too look for an excuse. ANYWAY, i hope you liked the chapter. I'm not really good but I'm trying to improve so pls be patient and have a little faith. MUCH LOVE


noxious |H.S|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt