Chapter 2

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I was terrified by what just happened. Sakina is cruel, but I never thought that she would've done that. She told me to leave. So, I had no other choice but to leave. I left not even daring to look at anyone. I didn't even get my things. All I had was like a worn down dress that I sometimes wear to special occasions, since I have nothing else. And a brush that has gold decorations engraved on it. I was going to get it, since its the only special thing that I have. But, I had to leave without it. When I got out, I ran away as far as I could. I ended up in the Woods. Right then and there I thought that I needed someone to love to cure my sadness. I roamed around, no luck. Then I saw someone at the corner of my eye. When I looked, they moved quickly behind the tree. I moved closer. Thats when I was spooked. I saw a boy my age in worn down rag clothes. I tried speaking, but I had forgotten the curse. It was very silent. He eventually spoke up. "I am Narcis". I hate my curse. I had to say what he said. I said"I am Narcis". He looked up confused. I pointed at my throat. He still looked confused. So I found a stick on the ground and wrote in the dirt,"Curse". He looked up at me and shook his head to say he understood. He probably wanted to avoid the repeating curse that I have.
~Two years passed~

-Narcis's POV-
We decided to have a wedding. We walked to the center of the Woods, since that is were Echo chose it to be. When I was holding her hand, I faintly heard a hiss sound. I heard it faintly leave, so I thought it was nothing. Echo suddenly stopped. She looked like she was going to cry and die. That made me want to cry. She let go of my hand. I was shocked with pain. I saw a large snake biting on to her leg. I collapsed to the ground. Crying for help, I tried to get the snake to stop biting her. It wouldn't budge! I started shouting and yelling. I looked at her face and I was so frightened that I had to look away. I passed out.

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