Feeding Darkness

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𝘾 𝘼 𝙃 𝙋 𝙏 𝙀 𝙍 01

Illiot a fallen angel who got thrown to earth by his own father, the ruller of heaven and the king of the living and the dead.

Moments ago the father got enough of Illiot's unnecessary actions, influencing the pure souls to evil. He couldn't stand this. His mother begged to the king to give him a second chance, but it was too late he gave him more than a second chances, as the king said he will take his wings off but will promise that he will have his remaining powers. As Illiot's wings got slowly detached from his back while crying out the pain and keeps regretting his behavior he got thrown down the well.

While the darkness slowly eats him all he feels is the warmth of his blood splashing from his back, in a little bit he saw a light bellow him and fell down in a ally way dumpster. As the bleeding slowly heeled it left a scar at his back. His white shirt was covered with blood.. So cold he said.

As he heard a footstep louder and louder leading his way there was this young girl starring at him and asked "are you ok?" As Illiot nodded yes the girl asked for his name and he said "m..my name is Illiot" Them the girl answered with "Oh! My name is Ika". A woman grabbed Ika then she noticed Illiot with his blody shirt. Illiot noticed the woman was Ika's mother, her name was Jasmine. Jazmine took Illiot with her home because she knew the struggle to get help out of other people.

Meanwhile at home, they started knowing each other, then Jazmine asked if how old was Illiot, Illiot realized he could answer with his actual age because it have surpassed human immortality, but by his look's he answered with " I'm 15" Then Ika suddenly said "I AM 12" With a small squeaky voice, with a following question "where are you from?" As this point Illiot was quite tiered and told them the whole truth on what happened to him. Jazmine didn't buy what he was just saying then she said that he was just delusional! As soon Jazmine told Ika to take Illiot at their room upstairs. As Illiot was at his way to the room he realized that this family wasn't quite wealthy.

In a little bit the front door opened and smashed to the wall.. It was Ika's father home and drunk. Ika's mother and father was fighting but Illiot realized by the look of Ika she was pretty used to this situation, following on that moment the electricity suddenly turned off and they heard the father yelling to the mothe on why hasn't she payed the electricity bills yet. Meanwhile the mother was just a stripper at a local strip club then the father is just using all of her money for unnecessary things such as alcohol and drugs.

By the fathers facial expression suddenly changes he looked like he had an idea for this situation. A heavy footsteps at the stairs Illiot was worried for Ika. Then the door oppned and the father grabbed Ika by the arm and told her "i have a friend i want you to meet" As he dragged her down the stairs the mother suddenly realized and started begging for him to take her instead.. But no the father hesitated and proceeds to walk out the house.

Jazmine cried and couldn't stop worrying then Illiot asked what was going on? The mother said "you're to young.." With Illiot's shocked face the mother knew he realized what she meant.

A couple of hours later the front door oppned and the father was holding cash at the left hand while he was holding Ika at the right. Illiot looked at Ika and saw a lot of bruises and her facial expressions was so blank it almost looked like she was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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