2. Something terrible

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"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ... ten..."
After the tenth push up, Rango sank to the ground. With panting, he lay on the floor in the sheriff office.
"Oh, come on," he said to himself. "Just one more."
The door was opened and Beans came in.
The lizard girl stopped immediately before she could fall over the chameleon.
"Beans," Rango rebuked her. "Can't you knock first? For this propose doors were built."
He stood up.
"Slim is there," Beans said without an apology. "He said, he had seen something terrible in the desert."
While Rango was rubbing his aching back, he looked at her with question filled eyes.
"Something terrible? But not one of the Area 102 things, right?"
"He is in the saloon, come with me."
She grabbed his arm and pulled him outside.

Slim, the old desert vulture with a leg prosthesis, sat on a chair, his face empty and aimless.
He even didn't move when the two lizards rushed in.
"Oh, hi Slim," Rango greeted and walked over to him. "How are you? Everything fine?"
But Slim didn't seem to hear him.
"Uh, Slimmy?"
Rango waved with a hand over his eyes, but still no reaction.
"I saw it."
"What did you see? Tell me, buddy."
With these words, the chameleon took out his notebook and was ready to write down information.
"Four miles eastwards away from the town. In a small ravine."
"And what is there?"
But Slim only reiterated the directions. It was impossible to get out something different from him.
"Alright," Rango closed the dialog. "I will collect some people and we will take a look at it."

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