Moo Moo

22 2 0

Mark POV:
(korean: normal English= italics)

After the bell rang and signaled first period, me and Mina found out we have the same class for it. I was fiddling with her hand as she giggled and looked at me fondly.
Then I felt myself bump into a firm chest. I looked up and saw a soft looking boy...who was GIANT.

"Mina. Watch where your going."
I bowed to the boy and pulled Mina along still playing with her fingers.

"YAH! Why didnt you apologize?!"
We looked back to see the boy angry and shouting.
I pouted.
"But I bowed.." I sulked.
"Ey dickhead," Mina spoke up.
"Hes not used to Korean customs. Hes from America asshole."

I smiled showing my pearls and everyone cooed. I looked at mina and she then lifted her eyebrow in confusion. I pointed to the boys feet.

"Your shoelase is untied..."
He looked down and his face turned bright red.
"I-" He coughed while everyone was laughing but they then imediately stopped.

His face was still covered in a heavy blush.
"Tha- Thats hyung to you!"

I poined to my chest.
"But what if im hyung?" I pouted.

"Hey bummie" I smiled.

He leaned on my shoulder as he panted. Everyone, once again, began to whisper.

"Hyung! Why didnt you answer your phone?!"
"Sorry Jae.."

"Wait is that?!" I pointed down the hall to someone running at us at a high pace.


He ran into my arms and hugged my firmly.
"Why didnt you tell me you were here??"
I pouted.
"You didnt ask"

I then remembered the boy was infront of us. I pushed Jackson and Jaebum off of me and bowed to the boy.
"I once again didnt tie your shoe lace.." I pouted.
"I cant do it for you..these jeans are too tight.." I said

Jackson chuckled and nudged my hurt T^T....I rubbed my sholder.

"Ill do it for you, Moo Moo!"

I whined

"No Jackson~"

Jackson bent down at the boys shoe and began tieing it until the boy shoved him to the floor. I ran to his aid straightaway.

"YAH YUGYEOM WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I could hear Jaebum yell

"Jaebum-ah.....hes bleeding..."
"It doesnt matter, Mark!"

I looked down and could feel tears form in my eyes. I stood up and tugged on the guys...was it Yugyeom?? sleeve still facing down. Jaebum was still yelling at him but quieted down when I looked uo tears in my eyes. As did the entire hallway.

"You hurt my friend you asshole....." I managed to get out through my gritted teeth. I punched him in the stomach, winding him and whiped my tears and looked down.

I turned towards Jackson.
"Sorry Jackson-ah...its my fault your hurt..."

I then walked to Mina and grabbed her hand. I pulled her to the door by us and entered it. It was our class that we were on our way to until I was a dumbass and acted out of line towards that tall boy.

Mina walked to the front desk still flustered her mouth agape. I decided to sit at the back right corner by the window and looked out of it. The playground is pretty....who am I kidding....i dont deserve this veiw.

I looked down as tears began to roll down my face then someone sat next to me.

"Hey there alright??" He whiped my tears with his thumb before cupping my cheeks.

I tried to pull myself out of his grip but he was stronger than me. I should start eating again, huh?

I breathed in and out deeply before answering.
"Doesnt look like to me about it, prince. Ill listen"
His smile was angelic.....

"Youre really pretty..." I said bluntly.

He blushed heavily until shaking his hands in embarassment infront of his face.
"No-No im not" he giggled.

"Your cute...."
He blushed again and looked down.
"A-are you always this blunt??"
I shrugged.
"Most of the time."
"If your so blunt, whats wrong, why were you crying??"

I looked to the notebook infront of me and started writing something.
"Nothings wrong, Im fine. And I wasnt crying."
"If you say so..." He wasnt convinving but no one is these days. Theres no one you can trust.
"Im Mark. Mark Yien Tuan."
He smiled ...again....pretty.

At the end of the day

Woonggi went home earlier because he was beaten up by bullies...I swear if i see them I will beat them to a pulp. All of a sudden I feel something warm rap around my waist.

"Why hello Youngjae...a pleasure to have you stopping my pace to beat some mother fuckers to the point they look like those dead badgers you see on the road. Now unhand me peasent."

He sulked and his grip tightened.
"But I wanted to know if you were okay."
"I am indeed okay. Unhand me"

"Why are you talking like your from the medevil times."

"Why because those motherfuckers over there." Mark pointed over to a group called Pentagon.
"Beat up my oh so precious little brother. So they must perish." I said bluntly pulling Youngjaes arms apart...well trying. Allas I was too weak.

"Mark. You would literally turn into dust if you tried to beat them up. Look at you. Youre all bones!" He frowned.

"Its okay. I was going to eat after I arrived at my humble abode. Once again I ask of you. Un. Hand. Mwah."

He rolled his eyes and I tried to run but he grabbed my wrist yanking me back.

"I cant trust you, prince. So were gonna go to your house together!."

"How do you know where I live....STRANGER DANGER!!!"

"Um....Beomgyu told me! Hes in your brothers class. And is apparently his friend."

"Yeesh the brother of a paranoid ass bitch gave out his adress to stranger danger...." I replied.

He thought about it then nodded.
His grip loosened on my hand and I sprinted to the park hiding under the slide to be met by a small child.

"Ello! M' Semi! Do chu fink am pwetty?"

I smiled and nodded.
"Very pretty"

"M' brovers pwetty too! But people dont call him pwetty ....they call him handsome!"

I hummed "That doesnt make sense...pretty is a gender neutural word-"

"Whats genda nootuwal?"

"Gender neutural means its meant for both genders. Its meant for boys and girls."

"Oh! So I can call my brother pwetty?!" She smiled widly and i giggled and nodded.

She ran out and shouted.

She ran back and hugged me.

"You good boy!"
I smiled.

"Youre a good girl."
She stood back.
"Fank chu!!"
And I swear my heart melted right then and there.

🖕🏼NO🖕🏼 -YugMarkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ