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                                               Audrey's POV

I was in math class with the other when I got a dare. It was from 

She said I should make Zamika have feelings.Well,if they're gonna start making out every single day,I'm gonna be feeling something.

And that's barf!

I was no love master but there was one sitting RIGHT beside me.

"Summer" I bugged her but when Summer is in math mode,it takes a LOT of excuses to distract her 

"Summer"I nudged her again but she didn't budge

I thought of everything until,I saw her pick a glance over at Freddy's seat then I smirked.Looks like Fremmer's got some things to work out!

"Freddy's a hottie"I whispered to her

"I know right and his hair?"She finally answered

"Dare"I said shaking my phone

"Come up with something"She replied

"Kay"I said

"Mr Williams?"I shouted aloud

"Yes Miss Van-pelt?"he sighed

"Umm..I need to talk to Tomika and Zack outside"I said smiling to win his trust

"May I ask why?"He said glaring at me

"No,you may not"I said standing up smiling and dragging Tomika and Zack out the door and Summer followed me. 


"Okay,why are we outside of the class and not learning?"Tomika asked

"Well I never thought I would say that"she realized herself

"So,why did you bring us here?"Zack asked moving away from Tomika( That's wierd,and THAT'S who we're gonna make fall in love?)

Summer whispered the plan into my ear and she nodded 

"What are you guys doing?"Tomika asked

Before she could say anytthing I and Summer pushed Zamika into the janitors closet.(Step one complete!)

After that me and Summer had this smug look on our faces while entering the class,

I wonder how Zamika is doing...........

*With Zamika*

Tomika's POV

After that dare Zack  has been avoiding me and now the person I was trying to to avoid is basically locked in with me.

There was an awkward silence for about 5 minuites until..

"Soooo..."he said breaking the silence

"Why are you avoiding me!"I came on too strong.oops...

"Well-"He tried but I didn't let him finish

"Was it the way I let out the secret you still sleep with a night-light?"


Was it the way I scared you last time?"

"No it's-"

"Was it-"

"No it was that dare!"

"Oh,that look-"

"Look I know you mean-"

"Zack,It was not like I like-like you"I lied

"Oh,I umm... okay"he looked sad and I noticed

"Are you sad?"I asked 

"Of course I'm sad!I have liked you since the day we danced on valentines day"he blurted out and face-palmed himself

"I remember that..........."I smiled,remebering the time I had no partner,I wasn't interested in the dance but Zack wanted me to have fun.He's a nice kid

I know you're not gonna like me so-"I cut him off 

"I never said that"I looked at the dirty janitor floor,If principal Mullins saw this floor she  would have been madder than Freddy wearing a hat

"Wait,what?!"He asked confused

"The only reason I never wanted to tell you because our relationship would get in the way of the band"

"So,you like me"he smirked

"Don't push it Z"I rolled my eyes at him and he hugged me

we stayed there until the bell rang which meant lunch,he took my hand and we walked to lunch together.

We're not a couple but I don't care.

I feel loved by him

A/N:Sorry,I haven't been updating for a long time,

I had writers block,but I'm back BABY!

Stay tuned for the next chapter and keep commenting

Bye guys!

Luv ya!


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