Part 3:Dealing with the master of the ships

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(In the Hoth base)
*Bly enters the hanger only to see that there us a snowball fight between Deviss and Torrent company*


Bly:Deviss what have you done to upset them now.

Deviss:Hey ,they where making fun of us for having kamas and Galle threw a snow ball at captain Rex .

Bly:Ugh,I am getting the general to deal with this ,she lost to me in holochess yesterday.

(Meanwhile in Aayla's quarters)

*Aayla sees on the jedi group chat that yoda has started shipping her and Bly and she angrily texts yoda*

Aayla:Master Yoda what did I say about shipping me and random people i work with?

Yoda:Forgot what you said, I did.

Aayla:Can you just stop shipping me and my co-workers together.

Yoda:Stop me you cannot,selling lots of fanart this ship is.

Aayla:I swear I will

Aayla:One sec someone is knocking on my door.

*Aayla answers the door*

Aayla:Who is it.

Bly:Bly,Deviss has started his 10th snowball fight this month.

Aayla:Fine I will deal with it.

(10 minutes later)

*Aayla goes into the hanger only to see Anakin has joined Torrent company against the 327th in the snowball fight*


*Everybody looks to see that Aayla is standing visibly irritated *

Anakin:Um,not my fault.

Aayla:Just tell your men to resolve this issue and where is Galle?

Deviss:He went to his men's barracks.

Aayla:He is so getting demoted.

(Meanwhile in the barracks)

*Galle is listening to Darude Sandstorm when someone enters the barracks*

Galle:Who is it.


Galle:Oh no.

*Aayla scolds Galle for 20 minutes until  Bly arrives*

Bly:General,it's getting late.

Aayla:Fine but Galle is getting his orchestra music conficated for starting a snowball fight.

Galle:Not the orchestra music.

*Aayla and Bly leave the barracks*

*Galle is texting a Arc trooper who is part of the 104th*

Galle:Xeno can you send me some orchestra music.

Xeno:What happened to yours.

Galle:My general confiscated it.

Xeno:I will get it back.

Galle:Xeno no last time you did that half the mess hall was in ruins and they where searching for who did it for a week.

Xeno:Haha can't stop me.

*Galle hear a ship getting out hypersapce and then sees Xeno fly through the halls with his jetpack and Xeno blasts open the door to Aayla's Aayla's quarters which wakes her up and then she sees an explosion and then Xeno flies and gives Galle his orchestra music mp3s before he flies to his ship and jumps into hyperspace*

Galle:Oh dear.

*Bly goes to check on Aayla*

Bly:General are you ok?

Aayla:Yes Bly I  am do you know who it was?

Bly:No I didn't .

Aayla:Seems whoever it was took the Galle's mp3s,and now my room is gonna be cold for the rest of the night until the door is fixed.

Bly:I can give you my blankets

Aayla:No need I can deal with it.

Bly:Ok general ,I can atleast get you some heat  generators.

Aayla:Bly I can do that on my own just go back to sleep.

Bly:Yes sir.

AN:I havent been uploading cause i had to deal with a week of tests and term exans.

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