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"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" My alarm goes off.
"Just one min..." I say as falling back to sleep. Omg what time is it. I get up and see it's only 8am. I currently have to be there at 8:30. I get dressed,fix my hair, put on makeup and try my best to look great today.
I still can't get over the fact that I got signed. Like Its a Miracle.
I rush to get my bag and I get an apple to eat on the way.

I walk inside the building and saw a women who looked in her mid 20s she looks amazing.
"Last name?"
"Gomez" i nervously say.
"Ok go in" she points to the room.

I open the door and see producers and such.
"Selena!" One person says.
"Person I don't know!!" We laugh,
"Ok so u can set your stuff down there and when Anton comes we will start." The man says.
"Anton?" I asked confused.
"Yea Anton. That's his real name but for stage it's Zedd." He smiles.
I nod in response. I heard about Zedd before. He's really great. If Break free came out that good then He's that's good besides Ariana.

The door opens to see a The Amazing Zedd walk in. Oh how I'm nervous I'll probably mess up. He looks adorable. Like a little lost puppy.
"Anton this is Selena,Selena this Anton." The man says.
"So this is the Famous Selena, everyone is talking about." Anton smiles.
"Hi and uh lol not. And nice to meet you." I smile.
"Wanna grab dinner before we start." Anton says.

"Thank you Zedd." I say.
"Please Call me Anton. And the pleasure is all mine." Anton Smiles.
He payed for my drink and My food. Reminder we went to a expensive restaurant. So I smile in response. Except a real one . Something no one has able to do in a long time. For me. Just making me smile. And he did. A real one.

What do you guys think so far?? Good or nah. Like I ship #Zeddlena hard core. Like I liked #Jelena but I 😍 #Zeddlena
Jelena or Zeddlena??💗
For me Zeddlena💕 they're just perf.

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