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Maranello, Italy

After a short flight, I touch down in Maranello with little rest or relaxation thanks to the child sitting behind me kicking the back of my seat relentlessly throughout the entire hour of the journey. In retrospect I am regretting being too stingy for that seat upgrade. Regardless I grab my bag and head off of the aircraft as fast as my legs will carry me. As soon as I step out of the small rectangular door, the warm humidity of the Italian breeze hits me, instantly relieving me of my stress. I take a glance at the beautiful scenery in front of me. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

I head to the lobby after picking up my butterfly suitcase and going through all the security measures for what feels like forever. Finding the nearest café, I sit down on a plush, sofa-like seat and wait for the transport guy to alert me of my taxis arrival. Which he claimed would only take a max of 15 minutes...

Half an hour later I'm still sat in the same spot, staring at a coffee stain on the table, silently hoping I hadn't made it with one of my two already consumed macchiatos. I start to twiddle my thumbs when a tall blonde woman abruptly takes the seat opposite me.

'Hi' she says grinning at me widely, leaning towards me from across the small table.

'Hello' i state awkwardly 'I'm sorry do I know you?'

'No, of course not' she giggles to herself, leaving me further perplexed. 'Only you've been sat here for a while and you looked like you needed a friend' she sticks her hand out at me, 'I'm Maja'

'I'm Abella' I return her handshake 'and I'm waiting for my transport that was supposed to have arrived' I smile feeling a little foolish.

'Me too!' She exclaims 'although my transport is my boyfriend who seems to be incapable of checking the time'

We sit there talking and laughing for another half hour. Turns out Maja is from a small town in Sweden and has moved to Italy to pursue a fashion career, and to live with her long-distance boyfriend Gio. We exchange numbers and I'm halfway through my third coffee when my phone rings.

'Who's that?' Maja asks looking at my screen.

'My transport' i reply holding the phone to my ear 'it's finally here'

'Well I hope I'll see you around' she says bombarding me with a tight hug before pacing away before I can reply.

I stride towards the open doors, desperate to leave the airport. I stand there scanning the parking lot for your stereotypical taxi when I see him. I haven't seen him in years, but his sleek brown locks lightly brush his tanned face the same and his eyes shine as bright as ever. My heart thumps, as I stand frozen in my place, unable to move. He is now fully out of the shiny black Ferrari as my senses return and I begin to hurry away, by bag and suitcase in a tangle. I proceed to fall over my feet, sending me crashing into the pavement.

'Hey, are you alright?' my cheeks flush a deep crimson as I look up to see him crouching down next to me, offering his hand for help.

'I'm okay thanks' I smile attempting to avoid eye contact, moving my hair from my face. At that moment his hazel eyes lock onto mine and a look of recognition flashes across his face.

'Bianchi' he helps me onto my feet 'it's been a while'

Part 2. I can't wait for the story to build up! Thanks for reading :))

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