harry and draco seggs😼

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Harry, Ron and Hermione sat on the bleachers on the quidditch field talking about homework as the teachers got ready for the next official quidditch match (slytherin vs gryffindor).

"Are you nervous Harry?" asked Hermione.

"A little, this is my first game since what happened at the astronomy tower" Harry replied.

"We're going to be fine Harry" said Ron confidently.

Ron had joined the team after Fred and George convinced him too after he complained he had nothing to do. It was 6pm and the match was at 7. Harry and Ron walked into the changing rooms before anyone could be there and they got changed into their uniform. Ron got dressed first then went to go speak to Hermione. As Harry but his shirt on he heard something move behind him. It was Draco.

"Draco! What are you doing in here?" Harry said gritting his teeth.

"The showers weren't working so I came and used these ones. Problem with that Potter?" Draco said.

Harry turned around and saw him in a towel which hung at his waist. The lights displayed off his abs which were glazed with droplets of water. His grey eyes glistened as the stared at Harry. Draco's hair dropped water onto his cheeks. Harry became speechless as his face became a light red.

"Like what you see Potter" Draco said with a smirk on his face.

He walked out and went to his changing rooms. Not long after he left the rest of the team came and got themselves ready and then they got mounted on their brooms. They set off into the sky. The team did as they normally did and it was going smoothly. Harry and Draco both caught sight of the snitch and they went after it. They were side by side as they flew quickly after it. Draco kept on bumping into Harry as Harry did the same. The snitch flew underneath the field not far behind it followed Draco and Harry. The two boys were going so fast that they couldn't control their brooms and they both flew off them. Draco landed on his back as Harry fell ontop of him. Harry stared into Draco's light grey eyes feeling himself turn red. He got off of Draco and helped him up. Draco had Harry's glasses in his hand so he put them slowly back on to his face. Draco then pulled Harry closer into a kiss. Their lips intertwined with eachother as Draco moved his hand to Harry's face cupping his cheek. They enjoyed this passionate moment until they were interuppted by Hermione, Ron, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Are you alright?" asked Hermione and Ron, in the background they heard Crabbe and Goyle ask Draco the same question.

He nodded. Harry got onto his broom ready to fly up onto the field, beside him was Draco doing the same. They both flew up onto the field on the same time as both sides of the stadium lit up with cheers to see them both ok. Everyone got into their starting positions and waited for Dumbledore to light a firework into the sky. He lifted his wand slowly to the sky and muttered a spell whcih sent fireworks into the sky. Both sides went for the quaffle except for Draco and Harry they were both in the middle at each side looking for the snitch. Harry saw a gold shiny object glisten near the Slytherin goalposts. Harry speedily flew towards it. Draco saw Harry fly off so he followed close behind him. He soon also caught sight of the Snitch. The flew side by side giving eachother little digs to try and knock eachother of the broom. A couple minutes later the commentator yelled "Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" A loud uproar of cheer came from the Gryffindor spectators. The Slytherin team all grunted except for Draco... which was wierd. As Harry and his team went back into the changing rooms the team carried him there chanting his name, "Harry! Harry! Harry!" they all shouted. They all got changed into their clothes to go and enjoy their free period. Everyone left Harry following after, as he walked he felt a cold hand grab him by the shoulder which then went around his torso and the other hand went around Harry's mouth the boy was lifted into the air whilst he squirmed and kicked around. He got taken into the Slytherin changing rooms and then he got thrown down onto a bench in the middle of the room

harry's pov

My back slammed against the bench which sent a sharp pain all over my body, as I began to sit up I looked to see who had done this to me. I was shocked to see Draco standing right infront of me.

"Draco?!?! W-Why did you bring me into the Slytherin changing ro-" I was cut off by Draco climbing ontop of me then suddenly kissing me, I kissed back not even hesitating. Our tongues fought and wrestled for dominance but obviously his quickly won. He pinned me down to the bench not letting me move my arms. He lightly grinded ontop off me which made me let out a little moan. He let my arms go and went to unbutton my shirt not breaking the kiss. I moved my hands to his t-shirt but he asserted his dominance and quickly slammed them back down on the bench. He took my shirt off and went to take his off, as he did he got up off of me which allowed me to sit up. He began to take off his pants and boxers. After he did he grabbed me by the hair and made me get on my knees as he sat down on the bench. "You know what to do." he said in a deep, attractive voice. I put my lips around his erected member going slow at first.

draco's pov

Being in control of Potter was the best thing that happened to me. He is mine, and mine alone. Potter was going slow at first but I wanted him to go faster. I put my hand ontop of his head and gripped his hair. I lightly pulled his head back and forth making him go abit deeper than the last one. I let go of his head and rolled my head backwards as he took the whole thing in down his throat. I only heard Potter gagging on it before he stopped to get a breathe of air. He then went back down onto it taking it all in everytime as he bobbed his head. "Harry im gonna-" i was cut off as i came into Potter's mouth. To my surprise, he swallowed.

third person pov

Both of the boys got up and dressed themselves in time for their next class. When they got out they went seperate ways and was greeted by their friends. "Harry! Where have you been? We've been looking for you!" said Hermione. "I was just taking a shower.. I lost track of time.. yeah" Harry replied stuttering. "Harry.. why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Ron added as they started walking..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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