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Withered Bonnie pov:

*Slowly powering on*

With the flicker of his red eyes he was in pain but he felt something no someone sitting in his lap with there head burried in his chest.

Even though his vision was red and a little blurry he could see a familiar fox broken as well but not as much.

It was none other then foxy someone he dated right before getting broken and shut down He was happy to see the familiar fox the one that he protected until shutting down.

Unknown to him foxy was the first one to wake up and had stayed with him ever since mostly crying hoping that his big bunny boyfriend would wake up.

Bonnie started to wrap his arm around foxy he realized that he only had one arm but that dosent stop him from loving his fox.

Foxy started to wake up feeling bonnie wrap his arm around him he looked up seeing red orbs but he knew his bunny was awake.

He cried oily tears of joy seeing bonnie awake and alive not caring how damaged he was he kissed bonnie on his bottom jaw.

Bonnie knew this feeling but he couldn't get the experience he had before with his upper jaw but he didn't care he still loved it.

"My sweet little fox" said Bonnie he glitches a little now but it doesn't stop him.

"My big loving bunny" from foxy this time a little glitched to but knowing he could still say it he enjoys every bit.

Withered Bonnie x Withered FoxyWhere stories live. Discover now