7 | Hot

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After a while, Zuko got hot. His body was heating up, both from the warm air and the frustrating thoughts. . . and from the boy close to him. He sat up slowly, Sokka's hand falling away. He looked at the other boy, who was propped up on his elbow. His hair was down and his eyes were sleepy. Zuko heated up even more. But nightmarish images flashed through his brain, and he looked away.

Zuko pulled his shirt off over his head, revealing his pale skin. He shook his hair out and threw his shirt somewhere across the tent, turning to look back at Sokka. The other boy's cheeks seemed a bit red. . . probably because it was so hot out. Zuko looked away and laid down again in the same position as before. Sokka looked over the prince's muscular back for a second, before bringing his hand back to Zuko's hair.

After a minute, Sokka moved his hand down to the prince's neck and shoulders, rubbing them gently. The prince exhaled as a shiver ran down his spine. This felt. . . very good. Sokka rubbed the prince's neck in circles, moving his hand through his hair and pulling it gently, then moving his hand down to his shoulders. He continued like this, and at one point he pulled the prince's hair a bit too hard, causing his breath to hitch. Zuko sat up quickly before he made an embarrassing noise. He looked at the other boy, who was now also taking off his shirt, revealing his lean tanned chest. Zuko ripped his eyes away before he stared for too long. What the fuck. Zuko laid down facing the other side, thinking Sokka would go the other way now, but the water tribe boy laid down the same as before so that now the two were facing each other, just inches away. Zuko could hear Sokka breathing.

"Hot tonight, huh," Sokka said. Zuko nodded. Zuko lifted his hand to Sokka's cheek, resting his thumb over the other boy's lips. It the pale lantern light, he saw the other boy blush. The golden eyes followed his thumb as he traced Sokka's face. His cheekbones, his eyebrows, his nose, his chin.

Zuko flitted his eyes up to meet Sokka's. Golden eyes met blue, both staring with eyes half-closed. Zuko held the side of Sokka's face, brushing his thumb across the tanned skin and leaning closer. Suddenly, Sokka's dead image flashed in his mind. The prince squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them again, Sokka was looking at him concernedly. Zuko's eyes widened a bit as he realized what was happening. He moved back and turned the other way quickly. Fuck. Why'd he do that? He couldn't let it happen again. Zuko sighed and turned around again, but now Sokka was facing the other direction, even further away. Zuko reached out and felt the other boy tense slightly. He pulled Sokka's shoulder, and the other boy turned to lay flat on his back. He looked up at the top of the tent. Zuko leaned on his elbow and gazed at the other boy.

"I'm so tired," Sokka said.

"Tell me about it," Zuko returned.

"Every day feels the same." Zuko's eyes moved to the ground and he nodded. "I always think it's gonna be better, but it never is. But I sound like a self-pitying prick. I mean people have it way worse."

"Sokka, I'm literally the fire prince. I've always had everything I needed. I'm the one who has no right." Sokka turned his head to look at Zuko.

"I guess. How come you always act like such a brat?" That came out aggressive. "I mean like, when we're alone you don't act like that."

"It's just easier," Zuko said.

"What?" Sokka raised his eyebrows. Zuko shrugged. He didn't want to open up any more than he already had. He hated feeling vulnerable. Sokka had seen him crying, which Zuko hated to think about. Sokka had also seen him half-dead, so maybe that was worse. But if he really went in-depth about his feelings, about his hatred, about how he felt like a monster, about how his anger at himself was the only thing keeping him going, he wouldn't stop. So he kept himself closed off like he always did. It was better this way.

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