Chapter 6-Mystery Guy

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"Oh come on Kenna don't joke like that Whats really wrong?" I said laughing

"Wait. Are you serious?" I said looking at her crazily. "KENNA how the HECK did you get knocked up!"

"I didn't exactly plan it." she said looking sad. "what are you talking about you didn't plan I-" "Wait were you raped" I said confused. But she didn't answer
"Omg we need to call 911 rite now and find the person who did this to you." I said.
after about 15 minutes two police officers knocked on my door. "hi nice to meet you officers thank you for coming I'm Ty and this is Kenna and you are?" "Hi I'm officer Nicole and this is my partner Officer Joe, may we come in?" officer Nicole replied. " Okay so first we would like to ask about what the man looked liked ok?" The officer said. "sure, so he was a tall man, good looking, was black and looked about 17 or older." "wow Kenna you get raped and your talking about how he was good looking." I said.
"Hey he might have raped me but I know a good looking guy when I see one."she replied. "Of course you do." I said squinting my eyes at her. " ok guys I think I have a good drawing of the guy is this what he looked like?" Officer Joe said. "Yea that's exactly what he looked like!" Kenna said. Officer Nicole looked surprised at the result but changed her face to a small smile.
"Ok then I think our work is done, but I think we should get going thank you for help us and don't worry we will find this person." officer Nicole said open and walking out with her partner following behind her.

~Officer Nicole~
"Ok joe I think that went well don't you?" I said getting in to the car. "Yea Nicole but that boy looked really familiar, like I met him before but I just can't put a finger on it." Joe replied. "Joe I'm so sorry but I can't have you tell anyone." i said while joe stared at me confused but I can't let him find out so before he could reply or figure out what I was said. so I snapped his kneck...

Sorry Guys I haven't updated in a while but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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