AI: Enhancing Mobile App Development

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AI or Artificial Intelligence refers to a technology that counterfeits human intelligence and can take justified actions to achieve a given task. It reveals immaculate problem-solving skills usually associated with the human mind. This technology can be put in many industries and sectors to build up their digital presence.

In the field of mobile app development, AI has made some prominent changes. Mobile app development is the procedure of inventing applications for a mobile device. It has come in handy with improving growth prospects, business relations, and other things.

Entrepreneurs and marketers of the mobile app development realm need to advance their investment streams into the field of AI. IDC anticipates global spending on AI systems to extend from $35.8 billion in 2019 to $79.2 billion in 2022.

How AI reconstructed Mobile App Development?

In the world of mobile app development, AI has enabled it to grow continuously and improve over the last ten years to increase user engagement. It is no hidden fact that with the advent of AI into the mobile app world, the way we interact with people has changed.

Smartphones have evolved over some time. They have been collecting data from users about market trends through sensors. AI executes the data gathered by them to generate results that could be helpful for a business to take necessary customer-centric market decisions.

Let us look at some of the uses of AI technology in the dominion of mobile app development that has altered it to a great extent:

1. Artificial Intelligence for Search Voice Assistants:

AI or Machine Learning (ML) has persistently enhanced the performance of predictive keyboards and voice assistant in mobile phones by improving the grasping power of the software even with the most incomprehensive process. It can be used in eCommerce applications to allow users to search for the exact product they are looking for. It can also be used to give voice commands to IoT apps for automation in homes, hospitals, and other spaces to manage infrastructure, reports, devices, etc.

2. AI for face recognition and camera applications:

AI is incorporated into some high-end camera apps to recognize the right set lenses for particular lighting. They are used to identify the appropriate camera settings for certain light conditions and backgrounds. It is also used in beauty and filter apps to help identify whether a user is capturing a portrait or a panorama and customizes the filter to provide optimum results. It also helps in finding facial and age recognition to help create 3D face IDs for biometric authentication for apps, user logins, authenticating payments, etc. This feature makes it beneficial for a wide rade of industries like healthcare, banking, eCommerce, etc. and helps to establish a secure user login interface.

3. Apps for location tracking

AI algorithms are used extensively in location-based tracking apps of a user for retailers and marketers. They use these apps to send offers, products, nearest stores, discounts, etc. to engage more customers. It is also used to recommend related products and services that a user may prefer based on their previous purchases.

4. Health apps and AI

AI or ML algorithms help to keep track of a user's health by monitoring their everyday activities like the amount of running, walking, exercise, medication reminders, diagnosis, suggesting diet plans based on blood pressure, BMI, and other body functions. Healthcare apps have a huge potential with AI expertise in them. A study also reveals that AI would generate about 6.16 billion dollars as revenue in 2022.

5. Chatbots

A critical component of the Chatbot technology, AI has significantly improved customer satisfaction since its invention. According to a study, more than 8 billion dollars will be generated by chatbots in global savings by 2022. Moreover, they also can serve a huge amount of customers at the same time, making the business efficient in reaching more market base and customers. Their experience also improves when they interact with a user enabling them to understand the customer's thinking fully. They have a wide range of functions in apps used in the fields of banking, education, eCommerce, gaming, healthcare, and so on. They provide a seamless experience because of their availability all time.

AI has helped several sectors and similarly, the mobile app development dominion is also gained a lot through it. It is important to include AI in developing your business strategies as technology changes and evolves every second. Hence, for an edge over competitors, you must reach out to a digital app development agency like LeadMuster to enhance your digital business experience.

AI: Enhancing Mobile App Development | LeadMusterWhere stories live. Discover now