What My Father Taught Me

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Hey guys. So I decided to delete The Trust Games. Im sorry if some of you were reading it but I couldnt focus on it while doin this story. Anyyywayys this chapter is dedicated to Zaky500. Hope you all like this chapter.;)

Lucys POV:

I smile at the rest of my friends. Gajeel comes up and hugs me."Hey bunny-girl how ya been?"he asks me after he lets go of me. "nothin much. Buuttt you can give me a piggy-back ride. Pwease?" I beg in a childish voice and puppy eyes I know he couldnt say no to. He tries to say no but just shrugs his shoulders and crouchs low enough for me to hop on his back."hang on" he says with a mischivious glint in his eye. Uh-oh. He takes off running into the guild while im giggling like a maniac on his back. I see levy glaring at us from the corner of my eye. I lean in close to his ear. "play along levys staring". He nods. I kiss his cheek and glance back at levy. I could tell she was jealous. I laugh. All of a sudden I feel hands wrap around my waist and pick me up and put me on their shoulders. I look down at the person who did it and see the devil himself. Laxus. I give him a curious stare. "gramps is making an announcement." He simply says."okay laxu". He seems suprised of the new nick-name I gave him. I see gramps come out and quiet down."All of the Dragon-Slayers and God-Slayers please come to my office." He glanced at me when he said god-slayers. I sigh." Carry me up there laxus!" I whine. He sighs and leaves me on his shoulders."Fine blondie."." Hey your blonde too!!" I whine again while slapping the back of his head." Ouch damn you hit hard lu!" He whines painfully. "when did you come up with lu?". He shrugs. I steal his headphones and soundpod and listen to his music which I really liked. When we walked in masters office everyone stared at us because I was on his shoulders and had his headphones." Luce do you have a death wish?" I hear him say. I glare a glare that could outdo miras and erzas glare combined."Dont call me that. And I can do whatever I want because im bestfriends with laxus his team and gajeel." I state. He flinchs. I give laxus his stuff back but stay where I was sitting(laxuses shoulders). " so what did you want old man?" I ask. Yes I do call master old man now because laxus got hooked on the name. That douche." well some people are targeting god-slayers" he says carefully. I tense and so does laxus and gajeel. While natsu glances at me and wendy looks at the floor."what I need is two dragon-slayers to look after lucy until this all blows over."." But I can take care of myself!!". " I mnow you can my child bu-" he gets cut off by laxus." Blondie you arnt staying by yourself while there is a person hunting you!!". " yes I am!". I yell. "LUCY! You will not stay by yourself do you undertsand that?!" He commands. Hes never called me by my full name, he must be serious. I nod. "i understand laxus." I simply say. He sighs in relief. He looks over at granps." Me and gajeel will look after her ". Gramps nods and send us out. When we get downstairs I round on laxus again." I can take care of myself laxu" I say gently. He sighs annoyed." What did I tell you In gramps office lu you arnt allowed to be alone." He says sternly. " Laxus you dont understand that I have gotten stronger!!" My voice rises with each word until im full on yelling at him. " I understand that lucy but arnt strong enough!!!" He yells back. We were standing in the middle of the guild having a loud argument of course we would get their attention." YES I AM!". "NO YOU ARNT!!". "WHY CANT YOU TRUST ME?!!". " MY GOD LUCY YOU HAVNT FIGURED THIS OUT YET HAVE YOU?!!". "WHAT HAVE I NOT FIGURED OUT LAXUS?!". "THAT IM WORRIED ABOUT YOU! I DONT WANT TO LOSE YOU LIKE I LOST MY DAD!!" He yells with such meaning in his voice. My breath hitches and I step up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. " im sorry laxus. Okay? Im sorry." I say reasurringly. He sighs and bends down and puts his chin on my head." No im sorry lu". I sigh. "no you dont get it my dad taught me to never waste my feelings on people who dont value them. And I guess you do so again im sorry laxus ill agree to have you and gajeel 'protect' me even though it is stupid" hs smiles and hugs me tight."thanks lu."

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