A Date with Karl

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"Thank you so much Ranpo!" Poe thanked as he looked down at his rival and friend.

"It's no problem!" Ranpo responded in delight as Karl got on his shoulder, glaring at his owner. "But remember to bring some snacks as payment!"

Poe nodded. "Of course. I did come to you on short notice after all."

"Speaking of which, why did you bring Karl to me? You usually keep him around you at all times." He petted the raccoon on his shoulders. He could figure out the answer easily without asking but he was too lazy to use his Ultra Deduction.

"Well you see…" Poe fidgeted with his fingers, "we got into a little argument." Karl glared at him again before turning around.

"Eh?" Ranpo questioned, slight surprise in his voice. "That's rare for you two."

"Yeah... Anyways thank you again for taking care of him for the day," he bowed a bit before going to the entrance of the Agency. "I'll be back soon Karl!" He called before disappearing out the door.

Karl only glared back at the door before getting into the lap of the detective. "Grumpy are we?" Ranpo said rather cheerfully as the raccoon stared back at him. "Well then since I have the pleasure of spending the day with you we might as well raise your mood!" Karl perked up in interest only to be interrupted by Ranpo's coworker.

"This isn't the time to be taking care of an animal Ranpo! You have work to do!" Kunikida yelled from his desk.

"Eh!?" Ranpo yelled, holding up Karl. "But I can't! My good friend asked me to take care of his assistant for a day and I still have to work!? And don't you know animals require a lot of attention! Plus Karl is upset here! He–"

"Alright!" Kunikida yelled in annoyance. "But get out of the office if you're going to be taking care of animals! We can't afford to be distracted!" He yelled as Naomi, Kenji, Atsushi and of course, Dazai, were all around Ranpo, awed (distracted) by the raccoon.

"But Karl seems to like the attention," Ranpo retorted as Karl was posing on top of his lap while the others clapped around him.

Kunikida wasn't having it. After managing to put everyone back to work he kicked Ranpo and Karl out of the office to go and play somewhere else for all he cares.

"I swear his ideals are gonna be the death of him," Ranpo complained as Karl was again on his shoulders, head down. "What's with the sad face?" Ranpo said as he walked into the cafe below the Agency.

Lucy greeted them and got their orders as Ranpo took a seat at one of the tables and sat Karl in front of him on the table. Karl layed down as he seemed to sigh. "Hm I see.." Ranpo said as his overly sweet coffee soon came, along with a small berry cake. "So he told you to get out because he needed to concentrate on writing?"

Karl nodded as he sat up and began taking the berries off the cake and eating them. Normally, Ranpo would have pushed the cake toward himself and told Karl to not touch his sweets. But today he let Karl off to enjoy himself, plus he might get extra points from him in the process.

"And then you pushed over his inkwell over the page?" Ranpo continued. It might seem weird to be talking to a raccoon but Ranpo found it rather fun and didn't care about the weird glances he was getting from the other customers.

Once again Karl nodded while Ranpo took a bite of the cake as well. "And then he told you to sit in the corner and you refused?" Once again Karl nodded, this time squishing a raspberry in his tiny hands in irritation and then lowering his head from gloominess.

"Well.." Ranpo took another bite followed by a sip of coffee. "You're in the wrong."

Karl looked up at Ranpo and threw the squished raspberry at him, landing it on his clothes.

A date with Karl (RanPoe Oneshot)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora