Trial By Sea

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The wind howled in their ears as the waves crashed against their back and pulled at them as they retreated back out into the sea. Their limbs already felt exhausted from coming this far, but the sea didn't seem eager to give them a break, it was relentless, as was the rain pouring down and making every grip feel a little less secure than the last. They were soaked through and shivering, exhausted, but somehow they made it onto a ledge high up enough that the ocean waters at least didn't reach them. There they flopped onto their back and turned their face to the side to pant heavily. They couldn't stay there forever though, they knew that there was always the possibility that the ledge would give way under them, or more likely they would freeze from the rain, but their exhaustion also made it likely for them to slip and fall down into the black unforgiving waters below. They looked up to see how far they had to go, lips parted to drink in the water pouring down in sheets upon them- might as well, right? The distance seemed far too great, and their limbs far too weak.

Their eyes fall shut and the temptation to just give in to the easy path of laying down and possibly dying there gnawed at them, and gnawed at them. Until that quiet and subtle instinct pulled at them once more, some sort of unknown force that gave them the strength to open their eyes and look around with more determination. They had to make it, they just had to.
With shaking limbs they push themselves up and begin to climb again, moving sideways across the rock face as they went, maybe they could find a faster way up? Or a dip in the land somewhere, just a lower space. Anything. The rock cut at their hands and gave way at times, even leaving them hanging by only one hand at one point, and it was so slick they're surprised they found any grip at all. Tears born of desperation and exhaustion pricked at their eyes, not that it mattered much as they were forced to work more by feeling that sight due to the heavy rain anyway. Their climbing axe was nearly useless as well as it was smaller and not quite heavy enough to drive into the seemingly impenetrable rock face, but occasionally its grip felt more trustworthy than their own.

The despair grew rather than lessened with each pull upwards, they were shaking so bad now, and fear was budding in their chest and turning the sounds of the thunder, lightning, and the crashing waves below into a deafening and horrifying roar of just.. Noise. Finally they cry out for help, unable to take it anymore "PLEASE! IF ANYONE CAN HEAR ME! Please.. Please help" their voice dipped into a hopeless sob as they pressed their forehead to the cold black stone and shook with despair. Their body cried for release, for rest. Even if someone were nearby to help they knew it was doubtful that they could be heard over the raging storm. They aren't sure how they kept moving, even as their appendages began to grow numb with cold and their life began to play out in front of them. They had come so far, done all that they could do, and this is where it would end? It just seemed too unfair, unreal, perhaps they would wake up back in the desert? They never thought they would miss that heat, but they did now.

Then came the anger, the rage as they screamed back at the storm "I DON'T DESERVE THIS" they cried, it heated them and lent them strength, but ultimately slowed them down as they cried and even hit the rocks in frustration. Their consciousness dips briefly and they're sure they are going to die please.. Please they think I'll do anything, I'll be better, I'll do better. If anything heard them they did not listen, and the cold seemed to slowly sink into their heart. They looked down to see how far they'd come and nearly let go then and there at seeing they were hardly even moved away from the ledge. Their vision began to darken at the edges, their body slowly becoming a useless weight that their numb arms and legs had to lug along. Their mind drifting away to better times. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to just let go, maybe the sea would be forgiving.. Maybe they wouldn't be slammed against the rocks. They had nothing left, a mere cliff had drained them of every bit of hope and feeling until they were left with nothing.

They reach up for the next bit of purchase, and the next, and the next.. Was that grass? They grip onto it, eyes opening wider and vision clearing just slightly as they pulled themselves up and finally over the edge to fall into the sweet grass, soaked through. They barely had the energy to empty their stomach before darkness was taking them. They accepted it with open arms. 

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