Fights and Memories.

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I sat beside James, Bucky?, as they worked on his arm. He was staring ahead, making sure not to look at me. I had ruined the mission. Jerome was the one working on him.

He looked at me, then flinched forward. He was remembering. I didn't know what, but I knew it was something.

His arm. Maybe it was when we found him, when they made his arm. That's what it usually was. I looked at the ground, trying to remember. I knew I had been there, but I couldn't actually see it, until James looked at me again.

His eyes. Confused, hurt?

I squeezed my own eyes shut. The darkness bringing the images. Him on the ground, that bracelet on his wrist of the only arm he had left. He was choking the scientist with his new arm. They stabbed a needle into him, sending him back into sleep. They froze him, then me.

I opened my eyes, and James was watching me. He punched Jerome away, making me stand. The guards already had their guns pointing at them. I looked at Jerome, who nodded; he was okay. I placed my hand on James' flesh shoulder. He relaxed, but only slightly. His position stayed the same, his eyes still on the ground, the guns still on him.

Pierce walked in. He raised his arms and the men lowered their guns. I squeezed James once, then dropped my hand. Pierce hated when we were close. I sat on the chair, squeezing myself beside him.

"Mission report." I stared at James, whose face was blank. He didn't respond. "Mission report now." We stayed silent.

Pierce began to walk forward. Once he leaned over, hands on his knees, I glared.

Then Pierce slapped James across the face, so I punched him. I didn't know what came over me, but I knew I had to fight him. I had to protect Bucky, who I was beginning to remember. "Don't fucking touch him, asshole."

Pierce looked shocked, then smirked, nodding. He stood again and opened his mouth to say something.

I looked at James. There was pain in his eyes. Then his eyebrows began to furrow together. Was he remembering too?

"The man on the bridge." I froze, so did Pierce. "Who was he?"

"You met him earlier this week on another assignment."

James looked away, to the wall that was on our left. "I knew him." Jame's voice was low.

Pierce sat in front of us. James and I looked at him again, preparing for him to talk.

"Steve," I breathed out. His name was Steve.

They ignored me. Instead Pierce said something about our work. He said it shaped the century. I was beginning to question if it was in a good way. "And I need you to do it one more time."

James looked at me. He moved his knee to touch mine, but no one noticed. I resisted the urge to look at Jerome.

Pierce began talking, so I looked at Jerome anyway. I looked at him and tilted my head. He just stared.

"And Hydra can't give the world the freedom it deserves."

I ripped my gaze from Jerome. "And that's what we're doing? Giving it freedom?"

Pierce leaned back.

I saw tears in James' eyes.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" The girl grinned as her mom yelled her brother's full name. "Jemma Winter Barnes! You two better get in here right now!"

Her grin disappeared as she trudged after her brother.

She stood against her counter. "Think it's all right to sneak people into your room?" Steve.

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