Is This a Joke?

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"Hey, I saw a bunch of Asians outside ESOL before" one of my good friends Monty said to me. Everyone around here knows how much I love 'Asians' in their words. So I always get warnings when there's some around.

"WHERE?!" I shouted back. Sometimes I just can't help it, I get really exited. Monty chuckled "just go out the corridor to ESOL and you'll see them... There's about seven of them Jah" Jah is my nickname I have... No one uses my real name.

So, I ran to the door but slowed down when I nearly got to the ESOL courtyard, I had to keep my cool.

"" I murmured. I could barely move. Was it really? It's them... How are they? What? Uh..? I couldn't think... Nothing was making sense. I just... I was lost for words. "BTS..." I managed to say. Standing there in my school... "How is no one paying attention to them?!" I said a little louder and looked around... Everyone here is so stupid.

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