4 | Barbarians

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"What makes you feel the need to suck the joy out of every living thing that passes you by?"

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"What makes you feel the need to suck the joy out of every living thing that passes you by?"

"Oh look, it's James Easton!"

There appeared to Jess, to be a sea of smirking faces, swimming before her agitated mind.

James Easton's face was fixed with a piercing glare - an inverse reflection of the faces before him. "You couldn't have sounded like more of a-"

"We were just welcoming our foreign friend, here, when you arrived - though I think you know that. I was wondering when you were going to stop watching and join in the fun."

Obi Wan, who had been sitting beside Jess, his beady eyes watching attentively as everything went down, now barked. A clear, indignant bark that sounded very much like he understood exactly what was being said. Of course he could not have, but Jess had to try very hard not to smile, despite herself, at this apparent loyalty.

"The way you people act, Catherine," the new arrival, James, spoke mainly to the girl, "everyone who meets you must think you're foreign to civilisation."

Catherine's smirk turned into a glower at a speed so alarmingly fast, it shouldn't have been possible. She opened her mouth to speak, but James cut her off this time.

"Just because you had a bad day at school does not mean everyone else has to suffer. And as much as I'm sure your welcome was appreciated, I think it's safe to say that any newcomers won't want to be met by a pack of uncivilised individuals from... how do I put this..." he eyed Catherine, his eyes suddenly shining, "Some little corner of the world."

With that, he turned and stalked coolly away from the gaping party. Jess turned too, recognising her chance to get away from Catherine and her welcoming friends.

"I do appreciate your welcome Catherine." she spoke as she left, "You really know how to make me feel at home."

"I'm glad." Catherine growled at Jess's back.

As Jess moved away, back across the road, she looked down at Obi, and fancied she saw a rather smug look on his little white muzzle; his tail swaying a little more gaily than usual.

She grinned at him fondly, thinking she'd made at least one new friend here, and an entirely dear one at that. But then she had to look up, and get her bearings, for she had a new place to get to. Well, not exactly a place.

"Hey!" Jess had a go at her own sense of deja vu. She, however, did not need to repeat herself. 

He hadn't been very far ahead, and now he looked up from the pavement and waited, with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, for her to catch up.

The boy before her was relatively tall - that is to say, taller than her - lean, and looked to be around her age, if not a little older. He had chocolate brown hair and matching light brown eyes.

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