Chapter 1

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"Come Dree (pronounced as Dre), we need to hurry!" She exclaimed. Wearing a Long coat that covered her face.

"Mom," I said rubbing my eyes. "Where are we going?" She to a hold of my arm. We left the house in a hurry, on the darkest night of the year.The only source of light was the full moon. Shining ever so brightly on the forest. Passing tree among tree, going deeper into the forest that was behind our house. We ran for what seemed like miles.

We suddenly stopped, I am still confused on what is going on. My feet are wet and cold, cut up a little due to the lack of shoes. She knelt down next to me, stroking my face. She took off the back pack she had on leaving it next to me.

"I need you to remain here ok?" She was still stroking my face. A couple tears ran down her cheeks. "Trust me everything will be fine, this is for the best." She kissed my for head, got up and left.

"Mom! Where are you going? Mom!" I tried to follow her but she was gone in an instant. I wondered around the forest, cold. Calling for her.

The sound of howling wolves caught my ears. I swiftly turned around, trembling with fear. I grabbed what felt like a stick to defend myself. I couldn't see 20 feet in front of me. The sound drew nearer, they were surrounding me. The moon light gave me a chance to see the shadows of 6 wolves. One took a step forward. I took a step back, going into an open space. Step by step, backing into the knee high grass. A wolf came out of the shadows, steadily progressing his way toward me. My heart beat racing out of my chest. There was 10 feet between me and the wolf. Its teeth glowing, with its beating red eyes. It took stance, ready to pounce. It growled and launched.

Dree snapped up, sitting up-right in his bed. Sweat dripped down his torso, gasping for air. He looked around the room. Realizing where he was, he put his hands on his face. Took in a deep breath, "its just a dream." He stood up, walking to his dresser and putting a white v-neck shirt on.

He walked out of his room, walked down the stairs. Going into the kitchen, getting a glass of water. The sound of something falling in the living room catches  his ear. He looks up, quietly putting the cup on the counter. He grabs the broom, holding it ready to swing. Peaking around the corner, he notices its just his best friend, Joey.

"What are you still doing up?" Dree asks him, putting the broom down.

Joey goes over to the couch, throws himself on it. "I had to shit, it was the size of a truck. Your not going to want to go in there for about 35 to 45 minutes, maybe an hour." Joey turned around watching a movie on Netflix. He looked puzzled for a brief moment. "Why are you sweating?"

Dree stopped before leaving the room, no answer came from his mouth. Joey sighed, " it was that dream again wasn't it?"

Dree nodded in response. "Don't be up too late ok?" He walked out of the room back to his bed room. He laid there looking at the ceiling thinking about the reoccurring nightmare he always has. "What does it mean?"


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