Edward's Life as a Human before he turned to a Vampire! A FANFICTION!

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Hey there, thank you for coming here ! If you clicked this means you like twilight too! TEAM TWILIGHT!!! But if you don't , I welcome you here too. Peace ! Have fun reading it because I had fun writing it ! =D

p/s: I do not own any character in this story except some...XD ..Stephenie Meyer Owns Edward and Carlisle!


"Mother." I called from where I sat. I was sitting on the piano's seat and I was beginning to play a song for my mother. Her eyes were unfocused when she turned to look at me. She had spent the most of her time worrying for father who had gone somewhere far away from us because he had to do his job there. My father was rarely at home as he was always working. He was a successful lawyer and people who know him constantly asked him for help in some serious cases. Although he was forever working outside, he never abandon my mother and my needs. He sends me to private school, hired the best music teacher for me, and bought many instruments for me. I was only eight when I had finished learning every note, every instrument. My favorite instrument was piano.

I started composing songs for my mother the next year and she was become more cheerful day by day. I become the center of her life from that day onwards. She was always encouraging me to create more songs for her. Sometimes, I had been given the role to be the pianist on special occasions like marriage and deaths. I was the talented kid in the neighborhood. I was admired and envied by every kid in Chicago, Illinois.

"Yes?" She answered in a monotonous tone. She was in a dull mood.

"Would you like me to play your favorite?" I asked, stretching my fingers.

"Sure." She nodded and went back watching the window. Father had only gone for 2 weeks and it made mother so anxious. Sometimes, father left for a month. I guess I cannot fully replace father at all in mother's heart.

I sighed; knowing my mother did not have the mood to listen to me play at all. I stood up and walked over to her, knelt down before her. "Mother, are you alright?"

"Yes." She lied. I held her hands in mine. My hands were growing larger every day or was it my mother's hands that was getting smaller? I gazed into her eyes earnestly.

"Mother, father will be alright." I assured. "He has always been."

My mother glance at the clock, hanging on the wall opposite her. "I know, Edward. I know." She ruffled my bronze shade messy hair that I inherited from my mother.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by a knock at our front door. Quickly, I ran to the hallway and to the door. Peeking through the hole in the door, I saw my friends, in front of the door, grinning like small kids that were on their way to the candy store.

"Who is it, Edward?" My mother asked loudly.

"My friends." I replied, opening the door to see my three best friends in front of me.

"Hello, Edward! " They greeted me happily. They were dressed nicely in their formal attire.

"Where are you heading to?" I asked curiously.

The largest boy, Caleb -ten years old- smiled. "There is a party in Nancy's house. We are going and we want you to come with us," Did he say party?

"Who made you boss now, Caleb?" The girl, Casey grumbled. Casey, Jackson and I were in the same grade. We were twelve years old. Caleb was Jackson's cousin.

"No on," Caleb stepped back and frowned.

"Relax, Casey," I told her when she wanted to speak again.

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