Winter Like These

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Oikawa hated winter as much as he hated Ushijima back in Highschool, okay maybe it wasn't hate but a sort of coverup for his feelings for the Ace of Shiratorizwa as he was his rival that was on the other side of the net there was no way he could ever cross that line. Except he had accepted that he had these feelings and so when Seijoh lost once again to Shiratorizwa he couldn't help himself but burst out into tears. While he was crying he was pulled into a hug, a hug so warm so comforting that he had wrapped his own arms around the torso of whoever it was. When he had finally calmed down and take a step back he had realized he was hugging his arch nemesis aka his crush and that caused him to blush a bright red.

So he turned around to hide his face but was spun back around to face the ace. He looked down embarrassed that Ushijima had to see his crybaby side, it was so uncool but he hadn't noticed that Ushijima got closer again. Ushijima had known he was bad with words so he couldn't say anything to comfort the crying setter so he chose to hug him with a small hint of blush crossing his cheeks but you wouldn't be able to spot it. He once brought Oikawa into a hug again and patted his back like a small baby that needed lulling to go to sleep but Oikawa didn't pull away he only got closer of course he did. It was his crush that was hugging him and he intended to enjoy the time he had with the ace before they part ways. No way in hell was Oikawa ever going to confess to this dense but adorable ace.

Oikawa could never confess this doof. He only probably ever thinks about volleyball and nothing else. It was expected, Ushijima had went to Shiratorizawa for volleyball and nothing else but he still held high academic scores. He was never even sure how he confessed to Ushijima at all but during this time he enjoyed this hug he had shared with Ushijima and he pulled away sadly since he needed to go, go back to his school, go back to his home and far away from Ushijima. Maybe Ushijima never thought of anything of this hug but it made Oikawa smile a bit that he got to share something with Ushijima.

Well this was back in high school and they're both in collage now, sharing a dorm together. They finally got together and this time they were on the same volleyball team. It was such a coincidence that they even applied to the same collage. There were other people from high school that went there as well like Kuroo, Bokuto and Daichi. These three often noticed how Oikawa looked at Ushijima with these lovesick eyes that made them want to puke at how sweet it looked. It was funny how Oikawa who hated Ushijima the most had grown to have a crush on him. It truly was funny in many ways. How he confessed he will never know how or why or when it happened but he isn't complaining about it now. He finally got the man he wanted and he was happy. They were happy in this relationship and nothing could change that.

Oikawa truly hated winter but this winter wasn't bad at all he was in his dorm in the arms of his lover Ushijima. They were in bed cuddling and Ushijima was the big spoon while Oikawa was little spoon. Oikawa had always loved affection so it wasn't anything new to the couple. This winter was full of warmth and he wasn't feeling cold in the morning like the past winters. This time he had Ushijima holding him tightly and nuzzling his head in between Oikawa's shoulder and neck. Truly this winter day couldn't get any better but sadly they still had classes so Oikawa tries to sit up and actually start his day but Ushijima doesn't let him.

Ushijima grumbles when he feels something moving in his arms and holds them down. Oikawa chuckles and pats his head gently, feeling warm inside. "babe you gotta let me go, we have university" Oikawa softly says to Ushijima who was still sleeping like a log. He had fell back asleep when Oikawa had stopped moving. Ushijima didn't move nor said anything at all, Oikawa knew how much of a heavy sleeper he was as he's always busy with assignments and volleyball. So Oikawa nudge him and once again tried to wake him up,  "Ushijima wake up!" He said pretty loudly and that sure did wake up along with the nudge. "Oikawa babe" Ushijima whined out with this deep raspy voice he usually had in the mornings. He was disturbed from his sleep so of course he was pretty whiny about it, only Oikawa has ever seen this side of him apart from his stone cold and emotionless face.

Winter Like These // UshiOi - Oneshot Where stories live. Discover now