Not so fun times trying to survive

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"Umm, what?" I ask the dude, who introduced himself as Nathan, "what do you mean by 'survive the next few months'?"
Lexi still looks terrorised, and honestly, I cant help but mentally chuckle at how funny she looks. Nathan walks up to me and forcefully pulls up my sleeve, "see this?" He points at my timer "this would shorten quite a bit if you went with those guards", he looks at Lexi "yours too".

I and Lexi stare at him shocked, how does he know all this? "Why did you save us then, there's plenty other innocent people on that flight?", he stares at me like I just accused him of murder "some sacrifices must be made" he says. WHAT?! How arrogant is this guy?! Let me guess, he's probably thinking we should be thankfull, ha yeah.

"Follow me" he says and walks if too the darkness, me and Lexi stare at each over, then at Baxter, who looks equally as confused, but follow, its not like we have another choice. As we walk through an alleyway, we hear gunshots and screams from behind, "that's what wouldve happened to you guys" Nathan says like its not that much of a deal. Lexi clinges onto me like her life depends on it.

She finnaly says something, "where exactly are we?" She asks, good question, "Dyce, Aberdeenshire" he answers almost immediately, "wait, Aberdeen, as in, SCOTLAND?!" I shout, I could see a bunch if birds flying away from us. "Yes, Scotland, now be quite, unless you want the Americans to find us" he barks back, I roll my eyes.

He leads us into some woods and starts setting up tents, "what are you doing?" Lexi asks, "I'm setting up our home for the next few weeks" he says as if it was almost normal, "eww, there's no way I'm going to be living here, I'm calling mum and she's taking me and Livia from this dirt hole" she begins, I burst out laughing, Nathan and Lexi stare at me like I'm crazy, "if you havent noticed, all our stuff is left in our bags, which are still in the plain" she looks horrified, and I probably should be too, but I just smirk, I smirk at how stupid my cousin is, Baxter wags his tail, as if agreeing.

And so that's how we spend the next five weeks, we snuck onto the plain and got our things (Lexi's and mine phones were out of battery and we didn't bring a charger as we thought that none of this would happen and we would charge them at aunt Helens). We would occasionally leave the woods to buy food with the money we had, and Nathan brought a bunch if weapons, such as bows and arrows and knifes and whatever, (I honesty don't know where he got them from, he wouldn't tell us, that kid us beginning to scare me) and told us to learn how to use them, cause we would need them soon, I was really confused but decided not to question. And we just stayed in those woods, trying our best to survive, I knew I would regret my decision of agreeing to go to England, looks like I was right.

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