Feeling Like You're Alone/Being Unique is Good & Nobody is or Should Be the Same

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Hey. You don't know me, and I don't know you. But I do know that, regardless of what you may think:

You are loved. You are beautiful/handsome. You are strong. You are smart. You are unique. You are You.

Yes, you might have a disorder like ADHD, or a disease like cancer. But so do hundreds of others.

Regarding ADHD: I have it, Percy Jackson has it, and many other adults and kids have it. Last time I checked, I'm still alive and kicking life in the face. (And last I heard, Percy's still being a pain in the divine ass.)

Regarding cancer: My aunt had it. Thankfully, she's still alive and kicking my ass whenever my room gets messy.

You're not alone or the only one that has that problem, whatever it is. It might be extremely rare, but I guarantee that some other person is going/did go through the same thing. Although there's a first for everything, we don't know for sure that we are the first to experience that thing.

A disorder or disease is simply another thing that makes us different, and therefore more unique. Being unique isn't bad at all (even if it is partly caused by something negative), because everyone's different.

If someone tells you that you aren't normal, look them right in the eye, and ask them: "What the hell is normal?"

Because nobody is normal.

If fact, what is normal?

According to Google, "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected"

Its a social expectation. A stereotype.

"a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing"

And its stupid, because nobody is 'normal'. Nobody is the same. Nobody has the same hair color. Nobody has the same skin color. Nobody has the same blood type. Nobody has the same name. Nobody thinks or feels the same way.

Yes, some people have the same hair color, but not everyone on the planet does. Yes, more than one person can feel or think about something the same way as others, but not everyone in the world does.

For example, not everyone thinks that cats are better than dogs, or vice versa. Some don't even like cats or dogs. They might prefer horses, wolves, monkeys, pandas, foxes, bears, chickens, cows, fish, or deer.

And if they were all the same, how boring would life be? There'd be no new ideas, inventions, books, movies....There'd be no new PEOPLE.

Remember: You are unique. You are You. And that's okay. Because nobody is the same, and nobody should be.

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