Thinking Of Other's Feelings/Finding A Reason To Live

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Take a minute and think of the people who tell you not to kill yourself. (Can't think of any? Keep reading.)

They are the ones that might one day kill themselves, because one of the strongest people they know gave up.

Because, if you couldn't beat it, what tells them that they stand a chance? Because, if you aren't there, who's gonna tell them not to jump? To not end their beautiful and unique lives?

So, if you can't find a reason or think you don't deserve to live...think of the ones that depend on you. Who look up to you. Who love you. Who give a damn if you live or die.

And ask yourself: Do they deserve to lose a family member, a friend, someone who showed that they cared about them even if it was only once and with a simple smile? Do they deserve to cry themselves to sleep at night, longing for someone that isn't there anymore?

No. They don't.

So pick yourself up. If it hurts, walk it off. And if you can't walk, you better fucking crawl.

Because even if you can't think of anyone that gives a damn whether you live or die, they're still there. They might be a family member. A friend, even though you've never met them face-to-face and only chatted on Wattpad or somewhere else. Whoever they are, they are someone that cares about you.

You know that saying "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? Yes? Great. No? Well now you do.

Change it up a bit: "If life gives you shit, flip it off and keep walking"

Because it does get better.

I won't lie. Life isn't fair or easy. Its hard as hell and laughs at you every step of the way. But if you don't give up and instead make the best out of it, even if it takes you an entire lifetime....

Life, like any bully, eventually bows its head in defeat.

Because you are stronger then it.

Your blood, sweat, and tears proves it.

You showed life your strength, your spirit, your steel.

And at the end of the day, you're the one walking out with a smile.

Because you paid your toll to cross that ugly ass bridge called life, and you survived.

And if you can, others can too.

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