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Hydra Name: Winter Spyder


Human Name: Peter Parker


Age: 14 human years 


relativesMary Parker (mother) -Deceased by plane


Richard Parker (father) -Deceased by plane


Benjamin Parker (Uncle) -Deceased by gun


May Parker (Aunt) -Deceased by HYDRA


    At the human age of 16, all the children were allowed to look at their file for the first time. This was Hydra's version of a loyalty test. In those first 16 years, the Hydra agents are taughtthe basics. Reading, writing, math, science, Hydra History or H. H, and fighting. Fighting was usually divided into 3 Categories. Hand to Hand combat, boxing, guns, knives/blades, and/or a weapon of your choice such as a bow and arrow, batons, or in my case web shooter.  A weapon of my own invention.

    4 years ago hydra killed what remained of my family. They wiped my memory afterward. I was placed in Hydra academy and was at the top of my class within weeks. The head of hydra noticed and I moved up ranks. When I turned 13 I joined the Winter program. It was not at all what I thought it was. They strapped me to a cold metal table and let a radioactive Spider bit me, giving me mutation like powers. The following days were hell. I was very sick and the doctors were unconcerned, but I came out a new person. 

    They restored my memory not long afterward, after all, there was nowhere for me to go, no use in fighting back, besides, hydra was still my family.

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