Interlude: Part 1

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Despite its notoriety, not a lot was known about the Dodecagon Prison Estate. Whether it was the brutal selection process required to join its ranks, the atrocities committed within its walls, or even the location of the prison complex itself, nothing but its inhumane reputation was ever truly doubted - cruel and archaic as they may be.

But the most intriguing part of the Dodecagon had never been the prison. Nor the guards and their infamous Welcoming Ceremony, nor the names of the unfortunate souls forced to endure it.

It was its Warden. Changed not on the whim of the person who held the position but by a council of powers unknown even to the elected, the mystery and even deification surrounding those unfortunate enough to have been chosen was not necessarily unwarranted, although perhaps ridiculous.

Or so Fourblades thought. But then again, he mused, he found most anything these days quite ridiculous. From the small quarters they called his chambers to the recruited brutes who slowly devolved into barbarians with each passing day... yes, ridiculous was quite the fitting word. He would know - after all, he had been watching over the prison longer than they had kept their oldest prisoner. Not that it was very challenging, of course: it was considered a miracle if somebody survived over three years, and over five was just unheard of.

A brief but expected knock broke his train of thought.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing a butler. Young enough to possess the ability to move quickly on his feet but old enough to have fathered a couple children, his striking black hair and matching blue eyes served as a constant reminder of the place he once called home.

"They're ready for you, sire."

Fourblades didn't even spare him a glance. "Thank you."

A small hesitation. "I happened across the Shadow Lubomir on my way here - he requested an audience with you as soon as possible."

Although the demand itself wasn't entirely unconventional, Fourblades had no doubt Theodore had largely changed not only the tone but also the words employed by the Shadow. "Tell him to meet me down at the main hall. It's not his first night here, he should know where to find me."


Fourblade found himself alone again, eyeing the downpour with disdain. He contemplated going out; it was, after all, an extraordinarily heavy rainfall, and despite what many of his personnel might think he did not particularly enjoy the Welcoming, a tradition that preceded him.

He sighed, donning on his cloak - there was no point in waiting, it showed no sign of ceasing. Leaving his quarters and outside towards the complex - drenched even before taking his third step forward - he marched at a brisk pace, keen on having the night over with. It wouldn't have been entirely unreasonable to mistake him for a tall ghost - a fast-moving shade gliding through the night, nearly invisible if it weren't for the torch he held to light the way: a dancing, wavering green flame, fighting for its survival in the vast ocean of darkness.

He entered the Main Hall, a large hexagonal room where part of the ceiling was exposed to the cruel forces of the elements. Quickly waving down the guards who were quick enough to stand back at attention, he joined the closest of them by the rails, peering down at a group of badly shaped men tied up in the center of an inwards sloping floor.

"How many?"

"Thirteen," said one of the guards beside him. "We were initially sent fifteen, but two died on the way."

Fourblades didn't press for details. "Convictions?"

"Mostly war-crimes, couple terrorisms." He gestured to one prisoner in particular, whose filthy appearance did nothing to separate him from any of the other sodden men. "That one's in for sedition - 'parently caused us quite the trouble back in Wind. Report said to have extra fun with him."

"In Wind?" Fourblades frowned. "I thought we had Wind nearly under control?"

There was a pathetic attempt to hide surprise. "I, uhh, don't know where you heard that, sir," said the guard, "but it's far from being the case. We recently lost the Southern Sector, and the western theater also shows no signs of relenting."

"Pity" was all Fourblades said in response. "Do we have any identification?"

"We have men shifting through them as we speak."

"Hmm..." Fourblades' eyes glazed over the new prisoners. "So we could very well have the monarchs of Magic and no one would have been any the wiser."

"With all do respects, sir, I think we'd be capable of recognizing the leaders of Magic if they were here," said the guard. "Sir."

I dare hope you are, Fourblades thought dryly. Out loud he just asked, "Any Parolians?"

"Not yet, but it's doubtful. Report said that they went through Professor Elgneme before arriving here. If there were any before, he would've already picked them up by now."

Here Fourblades visibly scowled. That was not a name he was fond of hearing.

He turned his attention back to the prisoners. "Tell me more about that one," he said, peering lazily at the one the guard had previously singled out. "Who is he? What are his crimes?"

Clearly this question had been expected. "Leader of the rebel group that made operations in Hecati nearly impossible," the guard recited. "We also suspect he had something to do with the liberation of Mizzo-Mengen, but it has yet to be confirmed."

"Mizzo-Mengen?" repeated Fourblades. He wasn't very familiar with the eastern most city of the Land of Music, but knew it was a strategically important stronghold in the War for Wind. "Isn't that city under General Bloodmail's jurisdiction?"

He heard him before he saw him - the sound of barely audible footsteps, made even quieter by the roar of the pouring rain. "It's no longer the case," said the voice from behind. "Artrium sympathizers have gotten ahold of majority in the last general election; with favor now gone, Bloodmail's hands have been reduced to avoiding being kicked out entirely."

Whereas the guards jumped at the sudden appearance of the Shadow, Fourblades didn't even bother turning around.


a/n If you liked the chapter, please don't forget to leave a vote! I also read all the comments, so if you have any don't hesitate to put them down below ^^

Here's a question! Based on the shift in tone, the choice of words, atmosphere, etc., do you guys think I wrote this chapter alone? Or did I hire a professional editor to help me write it?
Answer in the Part 2, coming out in five days!

P.S My ultimate goal is to get Lightning noticed by a publishing house, so if you know anybody you could refer it to (or would just like to spread the word in general) I'd be eternally grateful

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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