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The morning Pennsylvanian sunlight broke through the sides of the black velvet curtains and the night seemed to have escaped like a flash. Somehow the harsh beams of the morning sun failed to catch me in it's grasp, something was blocking it from my face. My eyes began to focus and I realised Chris was still with me. An immediate smile crept onto my face and I felt his body heat radiating off of his porcelain skin.

I turned over onto my side so that I could admire and adore each and every feature of his perfect face. He looked angelic in a way, peaceful as he slept. I had never seen him like this, he looked so...content. No pain like we spoke about the night before, no anguish, no hurt. His uncreased skin looked so flawless, as though he had never suffered a day in his life and his mouth looked soft and smooth against the lip piercings that had crafted who he had become. I quickly became lost in thought and must have lost myself in his tranquility and peacefulness. I almost failed to hear his quiet chuckle as he opened his eyes to look at me with a funny look as if to ask "are you crazy?". I almost instantly turned a scarlet and I could feel the heat in my soft cheeks.

"Sorry.." I said automatically without thinking. I smiled and looked downwards. I heard him chuckle again before answering "shh, don't be Flo. I'm just not used to having someone to wake up to." He smiled his crooked smile. Fuck I loved that smile. It lightened up his whole face as though someone had shined a bright light. I smiled back, oblivious to how bad I must've looked and he wrapped his arm around me and I buried my face into his soft pale neck. It was warm and I felt so safe with him. After everything that had happened and what Devin had told me the other night, I felt protected in Chris' presence, as if not even the scariest things could harm me, not even death. He gave me as quick squeeze, carefully realised my little figure and got out of bed. I looked over and took the opportunity to look at his amazing butt when he had his back to me. It was so perfect, so brilliantly shaped with the tight dark purple boxers he was wearing. I felt like the most privileged girl on the planet to get this amazing view. He turned back around and I pretended to be looking around his spare room.

He came over and sat beside me and lightly pulled back the covers to reveal my thigh. He then slowly removed the dressing and had a look at the horrible masterpiece I had composed the night before. It looked raw and bloody..
"Better change this Flo," he said. "It mustn't get infected okay? Believe me, it's not a good look." He chuckled a little to try and lighten the mood. "Yeah, I guess your right. I'm not too good at that" I replied laughing lightly at the disgusting mess I had made of myself. He held out his hand and I took it and then we walked back down the dark hall towards the bathroom. He delicately changed the dressing and cleaned the wound, at the same time telling me how to affectively prevent infection (I guess he had had practice).
I then went back through to the bright spare room and pulled on my tights and a long tee that Chris gave me to wear and joined him downstairs for coffee. I wasn't a large fan of the stuff but it was tolerable and after the night of drinks, coffee was probably a good thing. "So.." He began " you...wanna hangout today?" He looked around as if it was some large proposal in which he didn't expect a positive answer to. "Sure! I mean, I'd love to Chris" I corrected myself and smiled at him. He smiled back. It was so difficult to imagine that I once hated this monster, but now I felt quite the opposite. Afterall, he did potentially save my life last night. I was in his debt.
I swirled my coffee with a little hot spoon. "So, you got any ideas?" I asked. He thought for a moment and replied "I've got just the thing! We go out to some merch shops, hot topic maybe and then lunch?" That sounded extremely promising! We both loved the same music and both loved good food, perfection. "Sounds perfect." I said and give him a thumbs up! Cool, that was the day planned! :) for once in my life, I felt hopeful and despite what had happened in the past between me and the beautiful monster sitting across from me, I enjoyed his cheeky laugh and the fact that for the first time ever, I knew he was genuine.

You Were Supposed To Save Me From Myself (Chris Motionless)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin