Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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**This is an extra extra long chapter but I'm bored so here you go!**

The party started at seven. He told her to be here at six-thirty. It's seven-thirty now, and who still isn't here?

None other than Nina Salazar-Roberts. He knew he couldn't trust a poor person. He paces in the ballroom, checking the clock on the wall every few seconds and staring at the door in between, half-heartedly making small talk with the patrons of the party.

"Hello, sweetheart," his mother says, walking up to him.

"Hi, mom" he says, kissing her cheek.

"Where's your date?"

"Oh, she's, uh, not here yet."

"Well, didn't you tell her to come early?"


"And to not be late?"


"And that this is very important?"

"She got the message."

"Then where is she?"

Ricky opens his mouth to reply that he has absolutely no idea, when the door suddenly opens, and a gust of cold wind sweeps through the ballroom. In walks (more like stumbles) a very flustered-looking Nina. She catches his eye and rushes over to him, her cheeks and nose rosy from the biting winter air and her eyes wide with embarrassment and guilt.

"I am so sorry I'm late!" She says, speaking way too loud for what is appropriate causing a few people to stare. "I just- well I knew there wouldn't be parking so I took a cab but the cab driver got lost and then there was a car accident and there was bumper to bumper traffic for like five miles and- and- "

His mother's chuckling cuts her off, and Nina stares at her, eyes even wider.

"It's alright, honey. We're just glad you could make it."

The poor girl swallows, her cheeks tinting pink (and not just from the cold).

"Thanks," she says, finally speaking at an appropriate volume. "I-I'm Nini, by the way." Ricky gives her a not-so-subtle jab in the side with his elbow. She winces. "Nina," she corrects herself. "I'm Nina."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nina." Ricky's mother says with a smile. "I'm Lynne."

The two women shake hands with a smile, and Nini seems to relax just slightly.

"Ricky, why don't you take Nina around and introduce her to all the guests?" His mother suggests.

He nods and offers her his arm. She stares at it, then him. He rolls his eyes and grabs her arm, lacing it through his.

"Can you do anything right?" He mutters under his breath as he begins to lead her to the guests.

"I-I'm sorry," she whispers. "I'm not used to this stuff. I'm trying my best."

"Well,  try harder. You're making me look bad."

Nini doesn't say anything until they meet a few guests, and then the smile is on her face and she's being polite (even though she's saying all the wrong things).

"I'm Nina, it's a pleasure to meet you! Is this your mother?" She asks the man in his thirties.

Ricky's eyes widen immediately, and he jabs her in the side again to shut her up, but the damage is already done. He tries to clean it up as best he can.

"What she meant was that you have such a youthful glow- " he starts, but the couple is already gone.

"What'd I say?" Nini asks innocently.

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