Its just one part

9 2 3

Wandering through the graveyard, I felt something watching me.

I shuddered as the cold draft sifted through my hair and blew up into my clothes like a helium filled balloon. I looked at the forest around the graveyard.

I just went for a stroll... how did I end up here..? I wondered as I willed myself to take another step further into the necropolis.

My breath was shaky. It made itself visible through a white puff when I exhaled.

I felt something pull a lock of my hair.

I jumped and screamed, spinning around on my heels.

No one was there.

Crap... okay... I'm okay... right? I'm alone.......right? I tried to reassure myself.

My heart pounded in my chest. I half expected it to rip through my skin and jump onto the ground. My body shook with every beat.

I heard footsteps.

I stopped walking to make sure it wasn't just me. They continued for a split second after I stopped, then they stopped too. I froze, my eyes wide.

"W-what's out there? Who are you?!" I called. There was no answer. Am I going crazy?

I looked around in utter horror. Why... Why did I choose to leave so late? It was nine o clock! I should have been inside, reading or watching anime, maybe drawing or writing as well. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"WHO'S OUT THERE?!" I yelled. "I-I'm not afraid of you! Come at me!" I yelled.

My lie, though obvious, was one I had to repeat over and over in my head. I had to convince myself I wasn't really terrified as I stood there in the freezing cold.

I felt an icy drop of rain land on my head. Dang it... not now! It's cold enough already! I don't need to be soaked too! I thought as more drops fell.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard something running up behind me.

The footsteps were quiet, but my adrenaline made me hear everything. I turned around just in time to see a boy lunge at me. I screamed and just barely dodged. He flipped over and landed on his feet, despite being in midair just seconds ago.

The moment it took for him to collect himself gave me just enough time to run and hide behind a massive statue of a weeping angel. I hugged my knees tightly, almost cutting off circulation to my feet.

WHAT. THE. HECK?! I thought as tears spilled onto my cheeks. I peeked out at the boy. He had his nose high in the air.

"Human~ you can come out... I know where you are anyways.. Hiding is no use..." He muttered.

His red eyes fixated on my statue. I ducked back behind it. My stomach tightened.

"Come on.... I'll count to five... if you don't come out... I'll have to come get you...." He said.

"One...." I contemplated showing myself.

"Two..." I shook my head. No! I can't! 

"Three..." I held back a whimper.

"Four... come on~" I stood up, then immediately crouched back down. Mud soaked through my shoes.

"Five..." He said finally. What's going to happen?! Why didn't I come out?! What'll he do?!  I thought. My heart raced. My thoughts ran a mile a minute.

The boy sighed.

"Humans are so stubborn..." He said. He appeared in front of me, grabbing my shoulders tightly.

I started to scream, but he wrapped a hand around my neck and squeezed a little, so I couldn't.

"Shhhhhh.......don't.... We don't need you making so much noise.. Not that there's anyone to hear you, I just don't feel like hearing that precious voice of yours wasted on such a useless action..." The boy said.

He looked about nineteen or twenty years old. My limbs were limp with terror. His bright, blood red eyes pierced my soul. He took a deep breath and smiled.

"I haven't smelled anything so delectable in centuries..." He said.

"W-wha- I-" I cut myself off. He chuckled.

"Aww... Look at you... that face.. You're so pale... so terrified..." He laughed.

"I love chasing down you scared, fragile little humans... it's always so fun to see your faces when you realize just what exactly I am.." he added. I stared into his eyes with fear.

"Your heart is pounding... That's adorable... you're really that scared? What did you expect, wandering through the woods and into here all alone.. Do you have a death wish, or are you really just that stupid?" He asked, a grin spreading across his face.

I noticed two fangs poking out. I felt my stomach lurch as I realized what happened.

"Oh... You've finally connected the dots... yes.. I'm a vampire. It's true." He said.

"B-but-" I stuttered.

"But vampires aren't real! They're just monsters adults use to scare the kids! You're lying! This is a prank!" He mocked, cutting me off.

"Please, I've heard it all before." He said. My frail body trembled violently in his grip.

He laughed and shook his head. He let go of my throat but still kept a firm hold on me.

"P-please- D-don't-"

"Don't hurt me! Please! I can make you a deal!" He mocked again.

"Don't be so cliche. You know, it's hilarious. You little humans think that if you beg enough, I'll let you go.. But I haven't fed in weeks... you're the first human in a while to wander into my territory. I was going to hold myself back.. But you smell so irresistible.. Your adrenaline left you oblivious to that cut on your ankle... oh yes, I was doing alright until I caught a whiff... I'm thirsty you know... I think I'm ready for a meal.." He said, pressing my figure against the cube base of the statue.

My heart dropped. More tears streamed down my face.

"Aww... don't cry.. Don't worry your pretty little head. It'll all be over soon." He said.

"Now.. Tilt your head up." He said.

I suddenly felt the need to fight. I shook my head and put my shoulders to my ears. I struggled in his tight grasp. He rolled his eyes.

"Stupid human." He murmured.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and grabbed my hair with the other. He pulled, completely exposing my neck. He leaned in and sunk his teeth deep into the side of my throat.

An excruciating burning sensation accompanied the extreme pain of having my neck deeply stabbed. I could hear his swallowing in my ear as he drank.

I felt myself getting weaker and weaker as he drained me of my blood. He stopped to breathe.

"Oh my... that's the best blood I've ever tasted... you... I was going to dry you out.. Drain every drop of that blood until there was nothing left but an empty, dry sack of flesh and bone... but that was the most amazing thing I have ever encountered.." He said.
He wiped blood from his lips and chin.

"I'm.. going to take you back home with me.. I'll keep you alive.. So I can taste this again. I'll feed on you when I'm extra thirsty.. It'll make this more satisfying..." He said. I felt my consciousness slipping.

He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. The world spun around and around. The last thing I heard before I passed out was his chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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