Faux- Part One

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¹ made in imitation; artificial.


He cocked his head to the side slowly and scrunched his eyebrows, "What do you mean by 'lucky?'"

Wiping the threat of tears away, I teased him. "You want the meaning or an explanation?"

He frowned, snapping, "Shut the fuck up, I'm not stupid." 

Relieved to know that he truly hadn't decided to take his life, I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulders. "Well," I sighed "Either way, you're not getting an answer."

He brought the bags over to the counter top and sourly started revealing the items. "That's disappointing, really."

Irritated, I scoffed. "For you, I'm sure it is."

"What happened" 

I moved to my knees and stood up, brushing off my pants and the front of my shirt.  "Didn't I just tell you?"

"Uhh... No," he reached his arm up to open a cabinet. It creaked.

The sharp sound brought me back to the horrid creaking of the door in the dream. I inhaled and shook it off. "I don't want to talk about it, if you haven't gathered that by now."

He shrugged, gathering all of the plastic bags, though there weren't many. "Just making sure. Don't want you to commit suicide or something on me."

Once again, I was taken back to the room in the dream. Where I had found him. It sent a shiver down my spine, and then left me bitter. 

I frowned. 

To feel so conflicted by the death of a person. With all of the worrying I've done for him in my mind, he should be paying rent by now. 

Angered, I muttered, "I might." 

That sting on my cheek reminded me that I'd never have the guts, nor the audacity, to seriously go through with it.

"Please don't." He mumbled.

I ignored him, just as he'd been ignoring me, and began to carry it on, shaking my index finger twice. "It'll be all your fault, too."

He repeated. "Please don't."

"What'll happen when you have to call the police to revive me? I wonder."

"Do not."

"What'll happen when you find my cold, dead body isolated away from the world? Oh, and don't forget, you won't know when it'll happen. You won't know what to do, and you certainly won't know why."

"Please don't." He repeated once again.

I slammed my right first down on the granite countertop, raising my index finger again. "Let me tell you, you have no say in what keeps me alive and what doesn't."

He rolled his eyes and leaned forward. "I beg to differ."

"Then beg." I snapped. 

Glaring at him was the only way I could think of how to release my anger without him wanting to inflict his own onto me.

Scoffing, he turned away, slamming the cabinet. Despite watching him execute it, I still jumped. I turned back to his attention and glared. He returned the same glare. 

I closed my eyes, tapping my fist against the side of my leg.

Oh, what I would give to knock him out.

Charcoal Diamonds (KilluGon/GonKillu HxH)Where stories live. Discover now